RWA Project That You Should Be Noticed or Cry Later

As Blackrock pay attention on RWA which have capability of 16T of asset in future, Following is RWA project at Binance, it's contain current market cap and the potential its back to its ATH if we buy today:

1. LTO 122m +222% to ATH

2. TRU 164m +601% to ATH

3. DUSK 264m +85% to ATH

4. CHR 399m +207% to ATH

5. RSR 604m +896% to ATH

6. OM 645m +25% to ATH

7. PENDLE 963m +6% to ATH

8. SNX 1628m +477% to ATH

9. MKR 2979m +94% to ATH

10. ICP 8928m +2274% to ATH

11. AVAX 21069m +160% to ATH

Where is yours? Which one you choose for long time investment?

#HOTRENDS #RWA #BlackRockCrypto