Summarize the personal experience of the bull market in these years

1 Once the rise began, it will never be easy to end, so the big pullbacks that occurred in the early days are to clear the long leverage, do not be afraid, put a good mindset

2 bull more pins, if you position did not play full, and now wait for a back to kill, the best big cake fell more than 20 points, directly full on the value of the coin, otherwise the high position directly full position, not moving to give you a shot, most people can not be affected by the retracements

3 long term funds try to layout a few plates, because you full position a plate, this plate short-term immobility, other plates all the way up, this is the most difficult, you chase and set up, clearing the position of a few days and took off, I estimate that many people have encountered, so either do not buy, buy must be firmly held, I am most optimistic about the plate AI plate, the game boards, the bitcoin ecology, you can plan for your long-term! Configuration of funds, always wait until your coin rotation, the bull market and then the trash of the coin have a five times ten times, in addition to a small number of market capitalization, the last round of the bull market Coin IEO new coins at least 10 times the increase, many hundred times the coin!

4. Do not always think of doing short-term high throw low suck, once the bull market began, you will find that you simply do not go to the car, short-term 20% of the funds to play hot track, 80% of the funds defined to do the long term immobility

5. the last round of the bull market every big retracement of the market will be a panic, said the cattle ran, at least this round of the bull market will encounter three or four times more than 20% of the retracement of the bull market may end, and even if the end of the bull market, there will generally be a rebound out of a wave of the double-top market, so the fact is, don't be afraid to be sure to pattern as long as you take the hold of the hold, and take is not bsv a class of garbage coins, and then the poor have a five times ten