Running SPOT trades (Trades for the Month of March)


(Entry: 3130, Target: expected price 0.5000 )

2- $XVS ( almost 2 % increase and holding up pretty well ✅)

(Entry: 12.88, Target: expected Short term: 17, Medium term: 39, Long term: 70)

3- $XVG (Ranging near break even ⚠️⚠️⚠️ you can close at Breakeven if you like but i'm keep it, has great potential)

(Entry: 0.006190, Target: expected 132% increase during March)

4- $LQTY (7% Increase so far 💰💰💰)

(Entry: 1.715, Traget: expected 40% increase)

5- $Manta (Gained 10% increase before declining to 2% from entry ⚠️⚠️⚠️ you can close at Breakeven if you like but i'm keep it, has great potential)

(Entry: 2.769, Target: expected 4 USDT)

6- $SC (In loss 🛑🛑🛑 near breakeven but in loss, iam keeping it running, feel free to close at breakeven)

(Entry: 0.009688, Target: expected 0.0159)

7- $Gas (Currently sitting at 17% increase 💰💰💰)

(Entry: 6.34, Target: expected 11-17$ something in between)

8- 1000Sats (Gained a staggering 14% increase instantly after posting 💰💰💰) (Entry: 0.0006297)

9- XLM (gained 17% Increase, posted on 22 Feb 2024💰💰💰)

(Entry: 1179)

10- FLm (Posted 5 hours ago on 4 March, gained 6.21% ever since 💰💰)

(Entry: 1224)

11- TRU (Posted on 4 March, Entry 0.078, Tp: 0.2)

♦️ Feel free to Close any trade you want at any time according to your risk management.

♦️ These trades are intended for spot trading and not future, if you loose money doing future, it's your responsibility.

♦️ I Apologize if i can't answer all your comments regarding the trades posted here, simply come to this topic for updates.


A steady gain is better than an easy come easy go one.


