Have you joined the 2k club yet?

it takes patience, alot of patience. first you got to have faith in your calls, and the only way to get faith in the calls is do do your own analythics, and over time prove to yourself that you know how to chart. you have to analyze the market and sentiment, factors and cataclysts for movement. supports, resistances, rsi, heatmaps. there are alot of tools to use to improve accuracy when entering and exiting trades. if you blindly follow someone elses calls or posts, you will never get faith in your positions because they are not your calls and analythics. you will always doubt the drops, because you have no idea.

learn how to chart, and you got to be patient. holding a position over several price-movements is hard. very hard. you gotta be prepared to look at a 1000% gain, drop to 500%, sometimes 300% to survive the next leg. in 2017 i saw my 80k investment drop to 30k before it pumped to 300k. do you have the stomac to see a new car in loss, for a house in profits?

(had to blur the QR because binance TOS prohibits QR codes from external sites. binance futures obviously is an external site)