šŸ’”Learn how to onboard to Injective from Ethereum with Metamask.

This article aims to instruct you on transitioning from Ethereum to Injective through your Metamask wallet. The tutorial will illustrate the process using USDT as an example, though you have the flexibility to bridge any ERC20 asset of your preference!

Guide on Migrating From Ethereum to Injective via Metamask

This step-by-step guide outlines the procedure for transitioning from Ethereum to Injective. To follow along with this tutorial, make sure you have the following:

  • Injective wallet

  • Metamask wallet

  • Ethereum (ETH) and USDT tokens in your Metamask wallet


  1. Navigate to https://hub.injective.network/

  2. Click "Connect"

  3. Click "Metamask" or another Ethereum wallet

  4. Click "Bridge"

  5. Confirm that you are bridging from Ethereum to Injective

  6. Select "USDT" as the token to bridge

  7. Enter the amount that you would like to bridge

  8. For your initial asset bridging to Injective, it's essential to grant permission through your Ethereum wallet by setting an allowance. This involves approving the network's access to the token's smart contract.

  9. Upon clicking your MetaMask, a window will appear, featuring a field where you can input the specific custom spending cap you wish to establish.

  10. To bridge tokens from Ethereum, a nominal amount in ETH gas fees is required (rest assured, there are no gas fees on Injective!). Proceed by selecting "Approve." After establishing the allowance, you can then proceed to transfer your assets to Injective.

  11. Click "Transfer Now"

  12. Click "Confirm"

  13. Approve the transaction through MetaMask

  14. You will then receive a confirmation notification that will let you know the transfer is now processing.

  15. Click "Wallet" to view the assets that have been bridged over

This article serves solely for informational purposes and does not constitute financial or investment advice. The details provided are intended to be accurate at the time of publication but may not retain their current status indefinitely.