According to BlockBeats, on June 25, the second-layer modular ZKVM project Ola updated the token distribution details for Massive. Ola stated that a screening will be conducted before the Token Generation Event (TGE) to ensure that only valid and active S1 validators can participate in the distribution of the 1% Ola token pool. Ola emphasized that although the total number of registered validators for Massive S1 is 206,242, only valid and active validators are eligible to share the token pool. A new token query feature is about to be launched, and users can view their S1 shares through a brand new interface.

Previously, BlockBeats reported that Ola, the second-layer modular ZKVM project, announced that it would allocate 1% of the total Ola token supply to the participants of the first season of its mobile node verification network, Massive. Users need to maintain an active status in the Massive network on all terminals before the TGE to be eligible for the claim.