According to Odaily, Sushi, a cross-chain trading platform, has announced that its subsidiary, SushiXSwap, is set to launch on a new chain next week. The announcement was made on platform X, where Sushi regularly communicates updates and news to its users. This move is expected to enhance the functionality and user experience of the platform. Further details about the new chain and the specific enhancements it will bring to SushiXSwap are yet to be disclosed. The launch of SushiXSwap on a new chain is a significant step in the platform's growth and development. It is anticipated that this move will bring about a new era of efficiency and effectiveness in cross-chain trading. The platform's users and the broader trading community are eagerly awaiting the launch, which is expected to bring about significant changes in the way cross-chain trading is conducted. The launch of SushiXSwap on a new chain is a clear indication of Sushi's commitment to continuous improvement and innovation in the field of cross-chain trading. The company's decision to launch SushiXSwap on a new chain is expected to have a positive impact on its user base and the broader trading community. The details of the new chain and the specific enhancements it will bring to SushiXSwap are eagerly awaited by the platform's users and the broader trading community.