According to Odaily, MetaMask has introduced a pooled staking service, allowing users to stake any amount of ETH. The company stated that users need to stake 32 ETH to become validators, a standard that 99% of holders do not meet. The service is currently only open to a small number of users, but it is expected to be rolled out to a wider audience soon. However, due to the strict crackdown on staking services in the United States and the unclear regulatory environment in the United Kingdom, the service will not initially be launched in these countries.

Pooled staking is a type of staking in Ethereum that allows users to deposit their Ethereum into a large staking pool, where the pool operators handle node operations and fund management. This new service from MetaMask aims to make staking more accessible to a broader range of users, even those who do not meet the high threshold for individual staking. Despite the initial limitations in the US and UK, the company is optimistic about the potential of this service to expand the use of Ethereum and enhance the overall blockchain ecosystem.