According to U.Today, Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin has proposed a new approach to the development funding of privacy-focused cryptocurrency ZCash. Buterin's idea involves a fusion where ZCash remains 'Conservative on technology, insistent on privacy, experimental on economics.' His concept revolves around off-chain-governed RPGF rounds, potentially incorporating a yearly issuance or an anonymous voting system for decision-making, utilizing decentralized governance principles.

ZCash employs zk-SNARK technology to offer privacy to its users. However, this technology currently requires substantial computational resources, limiting wallet support to computers rather than mobile devices. The timeline for mobile wallet availability largely depends on the development of lighter zk-SNARK protocols.

Despite ZCash's advanced privacy features, ordinary traders might choose privacy-enhanced transactions in situations where they need confidentiality for security reasons, during high-value transactions, or when trading in politically unstable regions. To encourage the use of privacy transactions, ZCash may need to highlight the benefits of privacy and create various incentives for private transactions.

Buterin's comments and their potential implementation could significantly alter the landscape of the private cryptocurrencies market. ZCash is at the forefront of this discussion, championing privacy with the potential to spearhead a shift towards more secure and discreet online transactions. With insights from visionaries like Buterin, ZCash could be on its way to reshaping economic privacy for the future.