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btc 101400做的小空,今天尝试做了几个多单,被打了,中线来看people ,sats 这些还是有上升空间的,可以底仓买一点,每跌十个点左右补仓一次,大盘可能也会再次下跌,跟我前几天猜测的没错,前几天群里说了三天内会跌,为什么三天内会跌,因为明天晚上有会议,明天白天估计还是一蹶不振,明天晚上拉盘,只是个人猜测,勿喷,目前的策略是首仓,不要频繁补仓,小资金参与,等待拉盘或者继续下跌,继续跌的话也有便宜的筹码
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$BTC This is my chart on $XLM which I started buying in DCA since June 2023 and I sold this at peak of the November 2024 Bull market. You can’t predict the 100% peak point levels but there is a very good and non sophisticated tool - Fear & Greed Index , which I personally use and recommend all. Whenever this indicator enters in fear mode , start investing and when it’s in extreme fear then increase the stake. Market never remains a long at any one point, wait for it to enter in greed to extreme greed level. Start booking profits when it enters in greed and wipe off everything when it enters extreme greed. ( The general masses, mainly gamblers they do the reverse of this and incurred the huge losses till 50k $ also. ) Crypto market is considered by almost 99% of the traders as a gambling platform and they always lost the money and those who considered it as a tool to earn money. professionally by applying the fundamentals and technical analysis, they have minted the money. Therefore it’s very important to have a Technical Analysis knowledge if you want to survive in this highly volatile market.
#TradingAnalysis101 This is my chart on $XLM which I started buying in DCA since June 2023 and I sold this at peak of the November 2024 Bull market. You can’t predict the 100% peak point levels but there is a very good and non sophisticated tool - Fear & Greed Index , which I personally use and recommend all. Whenever this indicator enters in fear mode , start investing and when it’s in extreme fear then increase the stake. Market never remains a long at any one point, wait for it to enter in greed to extreme greed level. Start booking profits when it enters in greed and wipe off everything when it enters extreme greed. ( The general masses, mainly gamblers they do the reverse of this and incurred the huge losses till 50k $ also. ) Crypto market is considered by almost 99% of the traders as a gambling platform and they always lost the money and those who considered it as a tool to earn money. professionally by applying the fundamentals and technical analysis, they have minted the money. Therefore it’s very important to have a Technical Analysis knowledge if you want to survive in this highly volatile market.
$XRP In a recent post on Truth Social, U.S. President Donald Trump claimed that after "years of corruption attacks" by the Biden administration, his strategy would strengthen the nation's position in the expanding digital asset sector. “A U.S. Crypto Reserve will elevate this critical industry after years of corrupt attacks by the Biden Administration, which is why my Executive Order on Digital Assets directed the Presidential Working Group to move forward on a Crypto Strategic Reserve that includes XRP, SOL, and ADA. I will make sure the U.S. is the Crypto Capital of the World. We are MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” Trump stated.
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