Blockchain tracker Whale Alert brought the massive shuffle to the community’s attention on Tuesday. According to the platform’s tweet, moved huge amounts of #shiba⚡ Inu to an unidentified wallet in batches.

What Really Happened

Whale Alert showed that the exchange moved the first batch of 1.634 trillion SHIB from its hot wallet “0xf2B0” to an unidentified wallet “0xa23f.” shifted the $39 million worth of Shiba Inu by 13:47 (UTC) on Tuesday.

However, the whale tracker noted that multiple similar transactions occurred afterward, stressing that the exchange shuffled the exact amount five times in the same hour. Meanwhile, a deep dive into the details revealed that moved the funds twenty times to the same receiving address, amounting to 32.74 trillion tokens.

Moreover, on-chain analysis by The Crypto Basic revealed that the approximately 32.74 trillion SHIB ($390,385,630) shuffled was an internal transfer. According to data drawn from Arkham, the receiving address was a Deposit address.

Hence, the exchange simply shifted excess Shiba Inu from its hot wallet to its deposit address. Notably, internal transfers of this nature are not new to large trading platforms, as they move such funds to enhance liquidity and security.
