Humanity has 49 years left. A huge asteroid is heading towards Earth The date of the apocalypse is known — it is the year 2068. The killer meteorite is on its way to Earth, and this time it seems there will be no escape. Scientists have outlined the scenario of the apocalypse. So, what will destroy life on the planet? The asteroid Apophis is heading towards Earth — it was named after the evil ancient Egyptian snake god who tried to destroy all living things. The name seems fitting — according to scientists' forecasts, this could happen in 2068. Apophis is a very large and very heavy celestial rock. The diameter of the asteroid is 325 meters. The weight of the asteroid is 50 million tons, while all the inhabitants of Earth weigh 287 million tons. However, in 2029, the asteroid will pass 38 thousand kilometers from Earth — that’s one-tenth of the distance from Earth to the Moon — which is very close. It will then return in 2044, 2051, 2060, and finally in 2068, when it will collide with Earth. EVERYONE DRY THE OARS😅😅😅
Izjava o omejitvi odgovornosti: Vključuje mnenja tretjih oseb. Ni finančni nasvet. Lahko vključuje sponzorirano vsebino.Glejte Pogoje.
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