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Rehan Ullah 786
Gys 💯 Chances To Go Upside . But Not Confirm . there is no Brake Out 😔 moment . .
Am Not Giving You Any Financial Advicement 😍
plz do you own Research 👍🙏🙏
Izjava o omejitvi odgovornosti: Vključuje mnenja tretjih oseb. Ni finančni nasvet. Lahko vključuje sponzorirano vsebino.
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Rehan Ullah 786
Raziščite več o ustvarjalcu
$WIF And the entry could have been done in this way, no problem, the entry was missed, so what happened? we Learned something new from market 😉 This Content Is for education Purpose 🌟 Am Not Providing Any Financial Advicement 🌟 Do your own research ❣️
$WIF This Is The Correct Set-up. We made a mistake in the setup we had before, which caused us losses. Remember in every Losses You Learn Something New 🙏💫 which I refined Again This Content Is Only For Education Purpose 🌟 Am Not Providing Any Financial Advicement 🌟 Do your own research ❣️
$WIF Losses is the part of the business 🤌 It's not about money. It's about winning 💫 Next Time I will Do More best 🌟 This Content Is Only For Education Purpose 🌟 Am Not Providing Any Financial Advicement 🌟 Do your own research ❣️
$WIF Good Morning Gys 🥱
$WIF Good Evening Gys 👑 . Let me explain you about this chart . Know Market Is struggling in braker block, and if you look at the market is following Lower low Lower High and also making fvg for go down more ok so be carefull with this market 🤌🌟 This Content Is Only For Education Purpose 🌟 Am Not Providing Any Financial Advicement 🌟 Do your own research ❣️
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