لقد استثمرت فيها. 50000000 هل تنصحني ان استمر فيها
Naveen Weerasinghe 1367900101
$BTTC A "zero-knowledge proof" (or ZK proof) is a way to demonstrate and publicly record the validity and correctness of transactions on the blockchain. With equivalence to EVM, BTTC's zkEVM solution significantly speeds up transactions and lowers costs.
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Swap ,multichain bridging, nodes services,multi signature ,block explore, price oracle are some of the main functions as it has many more.
Makes me wonder BTTC was given inspiration to BTC who knows? Lets leave it at there as now there here at the present , lets live in the moment.
Izjava o omejitvi odgovornosti: Vključuje mnenja tretjih oseb. Ni finančni nasvet. Lahko vključuje sponzorirano vsebino.Glejte Pogoje.
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