Renowned artificial intelligence expert Geoffrey Hinton has expressed concerns that the rapid development of AI technology could lead to human extinction within the next 30 years. According to a report by The Guardian, Hinton, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his AI research, estimates the probability of this catastrophic outcome at 10% to 20%.

**The Risks of Uncontrolled AI**

Hinton emphasized that the speed of AI development has far exceeded expectations, and the emergence of AI systems surpassing human intelligence may be difficult to control. He urged governments to strengthen their supervision of AI technology, arguing that the profit-driven motives of enterprises alone cannot guarantee safe AI development.

**Expert Predictions and Contrasting Views**

Many experts in the field predict that AI systems smarter than humans will appear within the next 20 years, posing a significant threat to humanity. However, not all experts share Hinton’s concerns. Yann LeCun, chief scientist of Meta and also known as the “Godfather of AI,” believes that AI may ultimately save humanity from extinction.

**The Need for Caution and Regulation**

As AI technology continues to advance at an unprecedented rate, Hinton’s warnings serve as a reminder of the need for caution and regulation. While the potential benefits of AI are vast, the risks associated with uncontrolled development must be carefully considered and addressed.


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