When stock market bursts…BOOMERS will be BIGGEST LOSERS.
BOOMERS have been lucky.
In 1970’s BOOMER’s caused real estate market to BOOM.
In 1970’s BOOMER’s 401k’s caused stock and bond market to BOOM.
In 2020’s BOOMER’s old age will cause real estate and stock and bond market BUST.
I am a BOOMER born in 1947. I am not counting on my home to be an asset, or a 401 k or IRA to keep me alive in retirement.
If I were a child of a BOOMER…I would nudge my parents to sell their home, stocks, and bonds now….while prices are high…before the CRASH that is coming…and buy gold, silver, and Bitcoin now….before your BOOMER mom and dad move in with you…or expect you to pay for their rising healthcare or funeral costs.
The biggest CRASH in history is coming. Please be proactive and get rich….before the BOOMER’s go BUST.