There have been various types of trading indicators and a lot has claimed their spot at being the best and at the top of the indicators. Although, this 1 indicator could potentially do this...

As there are a lot of news, posts and other information being disseminated nowadays. It has even become easier to be more aware of what's happening in crypto market and what's about to happen. Although, most just scroll through them and there are some who might read them but don't really decipher what could they possibly mean behind the information they've provided. Let me give you an example, in the image below, it's clear that they've mentioned altcoins are possibly expanding even further than their current price and could mark the start of altcoin season. Many would jump in with this and spread even more rumors, eventually leading to almost everyone accepting this as a common fact. Since as more rumors are spread, many people would eventually jump in and start classifying this as a factual basis. By then, information like the one seen in the image will be seen as a factual bias. Here comes the indicator that we can use. Formulating the factual bias that everyone has already believed and the probability of the crypto market to against this. Hence, the indicator actually exists from the formulated factual bias formed from almost everyone's rumors and the probability of a reverse psychology in the market. The idea of the altcoin season happening is a factual bias, although the time in which the altcoin season will happen is indeterminate. Thus, with this idea, there is still a high chance of the crypto market's altcoins to be experiencing further declines before eventually leading to the catalyst for the altcoin season.

These posts are for educational purposes. To guide the people who might still be struggling within the crypto market, those who are new to the environment and volatility and everyone else who needs it.

Stay wise, trade cautiously.