One of them is the Major airdrop on Telegram, which has now become the project with one of the largest Telegram communities. So, why not know about it and make the best of it till we can?

That's where this blog will come in handy as it covers everything from Major airdrop listing dates, links, Telegram links and even its listing price prediction.

So, come along and be a major in Major airdrop!

What is Major Airdrop on Telegram?

Major Airdrop on Telegram

Major is a famous star-collecting Telegram mini-app game in which players can earn "star tokens" by completing small tasks and participating in other activities. Soon, they can convert their star token earnings into MAJOR airdrops and trade them in the open crypto market. Major also allows players to rank within the game to know where they stand in the entire Major community and monetize their progress.

Launched on July 3, 2024, the Major game gained instant traction, bringing over 7 million users within five days and over 40 million users at the time of writing. Roxman, a notable Telegram ecosystem, develops it on the TON blockchain. He aims to redefine social gaming within the Telegram platform.

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