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Scarlett Gonzaga KSh1
next 4 hours this will definitely be on the top gainers
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Scarlett Gonzaga KSh1
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$PNUT this is surely going up just wait for it then vl talk to all the people speaking otherwise
$PNUT where are the people that were crying earlier ???? 🙂
$PNUT the fact is that the people that are negative here ... truely don't know if this coin I'll go up or no right?? only assumptions... so shut up with your negativity and crawl back under the rock you came out off .
$PNUT holders: please do not listen to the bullshit people are saying because they will find shit to say about everything that doesn't go according to their way.... one thing don't understand is the amount of negativity you clearly are a disgrace to being human beings because can only sense hate jealousy and self centeredness from so many people... just mind your own business or have he dignity to walk away in grace if you faced a loss what's the problem? oh but now you faced loss so you turn Bitter ? folks this life is very fair your drink poison you die not others... so just crawl back under the stones you came out off or have he grace to shut he hell up... Because youre clearly in a heap of shit and when youre in heap of shit it's best to keep your mouth shut of else you may get some in your mouth.
$PNUT the people in the community are so negative forcing people to sell so they can earn their profits and the blame the whale dump when in reality they creating fomo among the people... pressuring Nd creating fear...... very deceiving people in this community...
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