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The founder and CEO of the messaging service Telegram was detained at a Paris airport on an arrest warrant alleging his platform has been used for money laundering, drug trafficking and other offenses, French media reported Sunday. Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the messaging app Telegram, was arrested in Paris over the weekend over allegations that his platform is being used for illicit activity including drug trafficking and the distribution of child sexual abuse images. Durov, who was born in Russia, spent much of his childhood in Italy and is a citizen of France, Russia, the Caribbean island nation of St. Kitts and Nevis, and the United Arab Emirates. He was taken into custody at Paris-Le Bourget Airport in France on Saturday after arriving from Azerbaijan. In a statement posted to its platform, Telegram said it abides by EU laws and its content moderation is “within industry standards and constantly improving.” Durov, the company added, “has nothing to hide and travels frequently in Europe.” Here are some details on Telegram, the app at the center of Durov’s arrest. #freedruve
Gaza Emergency Appeal-100% Donation Policy with Gift Aid There's no joy for Gaza this Ramadan, just famine and fear. We're responding with life- saving interventions, including 1 million hot meals and 20,000 food parcels, hygiene kits, and medical care. 130237159-pay Id Binance $BTC $ETH $SOL #STX #crypro #BOME #HotTrends
Hi brother and sister , I need some help , For my Palestine friends , Gaza Emergency Appeal - 100% Donation Policy with Gift Aid There's no joy for Gaza this Ramadan, just famine and fear. We're responding with life- saving interventions, including 1 million hot meals and 20,000 food parcels, hygiene kits, and medical care. 130237159 -pay Id
How lunc could hit 1$ ? I don't understand. Total crypto market is 2.3 trillion & lunc requir ed 6.8 trillion to hit 1$. I think that is not possible . #LunaTerraClassic #lunc
You Guys are so funny and fools 🤣 #shib token nevar touch $0.0001 sent or $0.01 sent ever If #shib token hit this price , it was remarkable 😁 Need time at last 2050 😀 it's true , just think about it . there many influencer are just marketing in shib token .
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