**Quantum Computing Threatens Encryption: A Wake-Up Call for Cryptos?**

Chinese researchers have reportedly used a D-Wave quantum computer to crack encryption algorithms safeguarding bank accounts, military data, and crypto wallets. This breakthrough, if verified, marks a significant leap in quantum computing, posing potential risks to current cryptographic systems.

- **The Research**: Shanghai University scientists claim to have breached RSA encryption, a cornerstone of digital security.

- **Concerns**: The study's details are sparse, and the paper isn't yet available in English. Experts urge caution, noting the D-Wave machine isn't a full-fledged quantum computer.

- **Implications**: If true, this could compromise password protection across industries. However, current cryptographic methods like elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) used in Bitcoin remain secure for now.

- **Future Outlook**: The crypto industry must prepare for quantum-resistant cryptography to safeguard against future quantum threats.