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US equities are on track to have their strongest yearly performance since 1997 📈
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Trump may be a populist, but these statistics he posted on social media are actually true 😳 The official CPI rate is much lower than the real price growth in some sectors of the economy 📈 In the last 4 years the average citizen of most countries in the world became poorer due to inflation 😢#MemeCoinTrending #SUIHitsATH #10MTradersLeague #USPPIAboveExpectations #USRateCutExpected
One day you will log into Binance and see this, but this time it's going to be for real 🙏#MemeCoinTrending #10MTradersLeague #USPPIAboveExpectations #SUIHitsATH #DoYouHoldBNB
The Bitcoin futures basis rate measures the difference between the price of Bitcoin futures contracts and the spot price. In a healthy market, this premium should range between 5%–10% annually 📊 When the basis rate drops, it signals weakening confidence in the market, as traders are less willing to pay a premium for futures contracts. 📉 Yesterday, the basis rate fell below 4%, indicating bearish sentiment. This suggests that traders are becoming more cautious and may be pulling back on leveraged long positions. The last time the basis rate dropped this significantly, Bitcoin’s price plummeted by over 24% within days. While history doesn’t always repeat itself, this shift is a warning sign for traders to watch closely 👀#moonbix #10MTradersLeague #USRateCutExpected #NeiroOnBinance #HBODocumentarySatoshiRevealed
#moonbix #USPPIAboveExpectations #10MTradersLeague #NeiroOnBinance #NeiroOnBinance What Is Crypto Mining? Proof of Work Explained ⛏ Crypto mining is the process of validating transactions and adding them to a blockchain. Miners use powerful computers to solve complex mathematical puzzles, keeping the network secure and transactions verified ✔️ Proof of Work (PoW) is the consensus mechanism behind this process. In PoW, miners compete to solve these puzzles first. The first to find the solution adds a new block to the blockchain and earns a reward in crypto, like Bitcoin 🥇 Why does this matter? PoW makes it extremely difficult for anyone to alter past transactions. To change a block, you'd need to redo the computational work for that block and all subsequent ones, which is nearly impossible. 🤝 There are other consensus mechanisms besides PoW. For example, Proof of Stake (which is used by Ethereum) lets validators create new blocks based on the amount of crypto they hold and "stake." Other consensus mechanisms include Proof of Authority, Proof of History, etc., each of which uses different methods to secure the network 🔗 #FAQ
S&P 500 brakes a new price record 🔼 Stocks bulls rejoice, crypto bulls get still waiting ☹️#10MTradersLeague #moonbix #FanTokensRising #USPPIAboveExpectations #USRateCutExpected
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Trump Media Expands Into Crypto: Bakkt Acquisition in Advanced Talks
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ZerePy Framework Set To Launch With OpenAI And Anthropic Support
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