Gen Z is poised to revolutionize the financial industry as their financial habits drive changes in banking, investing, and payments. Bernstein analysts highlight key trends shaping Gen Z's approach to money, with their preference for DeFi and digital currencies potentially leading to a shift away from traditional banking systems. This emerging generation, aged 12 to 27, is redefining financial management by embracing new platforms and technologies. Gen Z's affinity for on-chain money management through DeFi applications and stablecoins is transforming how they interact with financial services. The rise of stablecoins and DeFi systems cater to Gen Z's desire for affordable, fast transactions, with AI advancements expected to further enhance stablecoin payment models. As Gen Z's interest in cryptocurrency grows, institutions are being compelled to reconsider their stance. Companies like Robinhood and PayPal are already tapping into the cryptocurrency space to meet the rising demand, indicating a shift towards digital assets in the financial market. Read more AI-generated news on: