ETH/USDT is currently trading at $2,279.95, reflecting a modest 0.10% increase. Over the past 24 hours, ETH has ranged between a high of $2,335.70 and a low of $2,252.39, with substantial trading volumes of 292,757.58 ETH and 670.09M USDT. The short-term EMAs suggest a bearish outlook, with the 7-period EMA at $2,300.51, below the 25-period EMA of $2,344.11, and the 99-period EMA at $2,396.25. This indicates that if ETH cannot break through these resistance levels, it may face further downward pressure, potentially targeting lower support levels around $2,282.05 and $2,132.12.#BinanceLaunchpoolHMSTR #DOGSONBINANCE #FTXSolanaRedemption