**News Flash: Risc Zero's 'Boundless' Tackles Blockchain Scalability with ZK Proofs**

Risc Zero is set to launch 'Boundless,' a service leveraging zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs to enhance blockchain security for off-chain applications, as announced on Sept. 16. This innovative solution aims to overcome blockchain's scalability issues, such as transaction throughput limits and cross-chain interoperability, by bypassing traditional on-chain execution constraints.

**Key Points:**

- **Scalability Solution:** Boundless uses ZK proofs to verify computations without re-execution, potentially reducing costs and speeding up transactions.

- **Current Challenges:** Ethereum's average throughput is under 14 transactions per second (TPS).

- **Future Applications:** Boundless could revolutionize areas like cryptocurrency exchanges, AI, and personal identification.

Stay tuned for more updates as Boundless progresses through its testnet phase.