Aave rebounded from the 50-day EMA ($140), signaling a shift to positive sentiment as traders buy on dips. The price is currently aiming for a hold above the $150 mark. As of writing, Aave price trades at $141, declining over 3% in the last 24 hours. 

Buyers are now aiming to push the price towards the overhead resistance at $160. A breakout and close above $160 could signal the continuation of the uptrend, potentially driving the AAVE/USDT pair to $180 and eventually $200.

However, this bullish outlook could be invalidated if the price sharply reverses from the current level or the overhead resistance and drops below the 20-day EMA. This could pave the way for a decline to $118.

The 4-hour chart shows that the bulls halted the pullback at the 50-SMA, indicating dip buying. While there is minor resistance at $152, it is likely to be surpassed. The next challenge will be at $160, where the bears may attempt to stop the upward movement again.

On the other hand, if the price reverses from the current level and falls below $137, it would suggest that the bears are trying to regain control. The pair could then drop towards $131.

Aave Historical Price Sentiment

According to CoinMarketCap, the AAVE token was launched on October 5th, 2020, at a price of $52.68, coinciding with the migration from the old EthLend (LEND) token to the new AAVE token. A month later, AAVE reached its all-time low of $27.72 before beginning a steady rise, alongside the broader crypto market, to start 2021 at $87.54—a 66% increase from its early October price. 

During the 2021 bull run, AAVE reached its all-time high of $666.86 on May 18th. However, it then experienced a sharp decline, dropping to $293.32 within a week on May 24th, a loss of 56%. After this drop, AAVE struggled to recover and continued to decline, even as other major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin *BTC* and Ethereum *ETH* were hitting new all-time highs in November 2021.

AAVE’s downward trend persisted until around June 2022, when it began to stabilize between $50 and $100. AAVE started 2023 at $51.92 and has since fluctuated between $50 and $95, reacting to significant news in the crypto market, such as the SEC’s lawsuit against Binance and its CEO on June 5th and charges against Coinbase on June 6th, which led to a 16% drop in AAVE’s price.

Throughout mid-2023, AAVE traded between $50 and $75 but made a strong push toward $100 by the year’s end. From a low of $52.12 on September 12th, it climbed over 90% to test the $100 mark on November 6th—the first time it has approached this level since August 2022.

In 2024, the price of Aave made a gradual surge as it broke above immediate resistance channels. In September, the price of Aave broke above the $150 mark. 

Aave Price Prediction By Blockchain Reporter 

Year Minimum ($) Average ($) Maximum ($) 2024 154.25 161.28 172.98 2025 233.19 241.26 274.75 2026 348.84 360.9 419.72 2027 541.37 555.8 616.49 2028 785.29 807.52 936.94 2029 1099 1140 1377 2030 1642 1688 1964 2031 2275 2359 2797 2032 3300 3394 4014 2033 4483 4653 5723

Aave Price Prediction 2024

Looking ahead to 2024, there are several positives for Aave. First, Aave is a well-established and reliable DeFi platform trusted by both institutional and individual users. Aave Arc, for example, caters specifically to institutional investors with regulated and compliant liquidity pools. As DeFi’s popularity grows, Aave, being the second most popular DeFi app on Ethereum by volume, is likely to attract more users, which could positively impact its token price. 

The recent launch of Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs paved the way for institutional investors to take a serious interest in Ethereum-based DeFi, where Aave is among the leading protocols. 

News that could negatively affect Aave includes potential hacks on DeFi protocols, especially if the Aave protocol itself is targeted. Although each version of the Aave protocol undergoes multiple security audits before release to reduce the risk, it can only be minimized, not completely eliminated.

Additionally, the progress of the Aave protocol is managed by a DAO, which makes and approves proposals for changes and improvements. This means there isn’t a set roadmap for Aave’s future growth, leaving no specific developments for investors to speculate on regarding the AAVE token’s price.

Based on an in-depth analysis of historical data, Aave’s price in 2024 is projected to have a minimum value of $154.25. The maximum price could potentially reach $172.98, with an average trading price of approximately $161.28. 

Months Minimum ($) Average ($) Maximum ($) January 154.25 155 155.75 February 155 156.25 157.5 March 156.25 157.5 158.75 April 157 158.25 159.5 May 158 159.25 160.5 June 159 160.25 161.5 July 160 161.25 162.5 August 161 162.25 163.5 September 162 163.25 164.5 October 163 164.25 165.5 November 164 165.25 166.5 December 165 166.28 172.98

Aave Price Prediction 2025

As we look further into the future, predicting trends and news events with certainty becomes more challenging, introducing more uncertainty into any Aave coin forecast. However, we can consider some general patterns for a long-term Aave price prediction.

Historically, Bitcoin and altcoins tend to reach new all-time highs (ATHs) 12–18 months after a Bitcoin Halving event. With the Bitcoin halving in 2024, these ATHs are likely to occur in 2025. This is expected to be the dominant narrative and primary driver of prices throughout that year. 

A significant uncertainty in predicting Aave’s crypto price is the absence of a formal roadmap for the protocol. However, decentralized governance has been active on Aave since early 2022 and has successfully guided upgrades and the protocol’s direction. As this continues, trust in DAO governance and the future of the Aave protocol is likely to grow among users and investors.

In 2025, Aave’s price is expected to bottom out at $233.19. The analysis suggests that AAVE could reach a maximum of $274.75, with an average forecasted price of $241.26. 

Months Minimum ($) Average ($) Maximum ($) January 233.19 234.5 235.81 February 234.5 236 237.5 March 236 237.5 239 April 237.5 239 240.5 May 239 240.5 242 June 240.5 242 243.5 July 242 243.5 245 August 243.5 245 246.5 September 245 246.5 248 October 246.5 248 249.5 November 248 249.5 251 December 249.5 241.26 274.75

AAVE Price Forecast for 2026

For 2026, the price of Aave is anticipated to reach a minimum of $348.84. The maximum price might be $419.72, with the average price expected to be around $360.90 throughout the year. 

Months Minimum ($) Average ($) Maximum ($) January 348.84 350.5 352.16 February 350.5 352.25 354 March 352.25 354 355.75 April 354 355.75 357.5 May 355.75 357.5 359.25 June 357.5 359.25 361 July 359.25 361 362.75 August 361 362.75 364.5 September 362.75 364.5 366.25 October 364.5 366.25 368 November 366.25 368 369.75 December 368 360.9 419.72

Aave (AAVE) Price Prediction 2027

Aave’s price in 2027 is predicted to start at a minimum of $541.37. It could reach a maximum of $616.49, with an average trading price hovering around $555.80. 

Months Minimum ($) Average ($) Maximum ($) January 541.37 543.25 545.13 February 543.25 545.13 547.01 March 545.13 547.01 548.89 April 547.01 548.89 550.77 May 548.89 550.77 552.65 June 550.77 552.65 554.53 July 552.65 554.53 556.41 August 554.53 556.41 558.29 September 556.41 558.29 560.17 October 558.29 560.17 562.05 November 560.17 562.05 563.93 December 562.05 555.8 616.49

Aave Price Prediction 2028

Forecasts for 2028 indicate that Aave’s price might reach a minimum of $785.29. The maximum price is expected to be $936.94, with an average value of $807.52. 

Months Minimum ($) Average ($) Maximum ($) January 785.29 788 790.71 February 788 790.71 793.42 March 790.71 793.42 796.13 April 793.42 796.13 798.84 May 796.13 798.84 801.55 June 798.84 801.55 804.26 July 801.55 804.26 806.97 August 804.26 806.97 809.68 September 806.97 809.68 812.39 October 809.68 812.39 815.1 November 812.39 815.1 817.81 December 815.1 807.52 936.94

Aave Price Prediction 2029

In 2029, Aave’s price is forecasted to have a minimum possible level of $1,099. The maximum price could reach $1,377, with an average forecast price of $1,140. 

Months Minimum ($) Average ($) Maximum ($) January 1,099.00 1,103.00 1,107.00 February 1,103.00 1,107.00 1,111.00 March 1,107.00 1,111.00 1,115.00 April 1,111.00 1,115.00 1,119.00 May 1,115.00 1,119.00 1,123.00 June 1,119.00 1,123.00 1,127.00 July 1,123.00 1,127.00 1,131.00 August 1,127.00 1,131.00 1,135.00 September 1,131.00 1,135.00 1,139.00 October 1,135.00 1,139.00 1,143.00 November 1,139.00 1,143.00 1,147.00 December 1,143.00 1,140.00 1,377.00

Aave (AAVE) Price Prediction 2030

By 2030, Aave’s price is projected to start at a minimum of $1,642. It could potentially reach a maximum of $1,964, with an average trading price of $1,688 for the year. 

Months Minimum ($) Average ($) Maximum ($) January 1,642.00 1,648.00 1,654.00 February 1,648.00 1,654.00 1,660.00 March 1,654.00 1,660.00 1,666.00 April 1,660.00 1,666.00 1,672.00 May 1,666.00 1,672.00 1,678.00 June 1,672.00 1,678.00 1,684.00 July 1,678.00 1,684.00 1,690.00 August 1,684.00 1,690.00 1,696.00 September 1,690.00 1,696.00 1,702.00 October 1,696.00 1,702.00 1,708.00 November 1,702.00 1,708.00 1,714.00 December 1,708.00 1,688.00 1,964.00

Aave Price Forecast 2031

Aave’s price in 2031 is predicted to reach a minimum of $2,275. The maximum level could be $2,797, with an average price of around $2,359 throughout the year. 

Months Minimum ($) Average ($) Maximum ($) January 2,275.00 2,284.00 2,293.00 February 2,284.00 2,293.00 2,302.00 March 2,293.00 2,302.00 2,311.00 April 2,302.00 2,311.00 2,320.00 May 2,311.00 2,320.00 2,329.00 June 2,320.00 2,329.00 2,338.00 July 2,329.00 2,338.00 2,347.00 August 2,338.00 2,347.00 2,356.00 September 2,347.00 2,356.00 2,365.00 October 2,356.00 2,365.00 2,374.00 November 2,365.00 2,374.00 2,383.00 December 2,374.00 2,359.00 2,797.00

Aave (AAVE) Price Prediction 2032

According to forecasts for 2032, Aave’s price is expected to reach a minimum of $3,300. The maximum price could go up to $4,014, with an average trading price of approximately $3,394. 

Months Minimum ($) Average ($) Maximum ($) January 3,300.00 3,312.00 3,324.00 February 3,312.00 3,324.00 3,336.00 March 3,324.00 3,336.00 3,348.00 April 3,336.00 3,348.00 3,360.00 May 3,348.00 3,360.00 3,372.00 June 3,360.00 3,372.00 3,384.00 July 3,372.00 3,384.00 3,396.00 August 3,384.00 3,396.00 3,408.00 September 3,396.00 3,408.00 3,420.00 October 3,408.00 3,420.00 3,432.00 November 3,420.00 3,432.00 3,444.00 December 3,432.00 3,394.00 4,014.00

Aave Price Prediction 2033

In 2033, Aave’s price is predicted to start at a minimum of $4,483. The maximum price is projected to be $5,723, with an average trading price around $4,653.  

Months Minimum ($) Average ($) Maximum ($) January 4,483.00 4,499.00 4,515.00 February 4,499.00 4,515.00 4,531.00 March 4,515.00 4,531.00 4,547.00 April 4,531.00 4,547.00 4,563.00 May 4,547.00 4,563.00 4,579.00 June 4,563.00 4,579.00 4,595.00 July 4,579.00 4,595.00 4,611.00 August 4,595.00 4,611.00 4,627.00 September 4,611.00 4,627.00 4,643.00 October 4,627.00 4,643.00 4,659.00 November 4,643.00 4,659.00 4,675.00 December 4,659.00 4,653.00 5,723.00

Aave Price Prediction: By Experts 

According to Coincodex’s current Aave price prediction, Aave’s price is expected to increase by 227.61%, reaching $462.81 by October 16, 2024. Technical indicators suggest a bullish sentiment, while the Fear & Greed Index stands at 39, indicating fear. Aave has seen 13 out of the last 30 days (43%) in the green, with a price volatility of 7.32% over the same period. Based on Coincodex’s forecast, now appears to be a favorable time to buy Aave. 

Considering Aave’s historical price movements and the BTC halving cycles, the predicted yearly low for Aave in 2025 is $141.27, with the price potentially reaching as high as $666.51 next year.

According to Digital Coin Price, market analysts and experts predict that by 2026, AAVE will begin the year at $417.09 and could trade around $496.64. This would represent a significant increase compared to the previous year, marking a notable rise for Aave. By the beginning of 2030, their Aave price prediction and technical analysis suggest that AAVE could reach $1,016.84, with the potential to hit $955.26 by the end of the year. The period from 2024 to 2030 is expected to be a critical time for Aave’s growth. 


What are the key price targets for Aave in the near term?

Aave is aiming to hold above the $150 mark. If it breaks above the $160 resistance, it could continue the uptrend towards $180 and potentially $200.

What are the downside risks for Aave’s price?

Aave’s bullish outlook could be invalidated if the price reverses from current levels or overhead resistance, dropping below the 20-day EMA. This could lead to a decline towards $118.

What is Aave’s price prediction for 2024?

Based on expert analysis, Aave’s price in 2024 is projected to range between $154.25 and $172.98, with an average trading price of $161.28.

What factors influence Aave’s price movement?

Key factors include market sentiment, overall crypto market trends, whale activity, DeFi adoption, and institutional interest in Aave’s platform.

How has Aave performed historically?

Aave launched in October 2020 at $52.68, hit an all-time high of $666.86 in May 2021, and has fluctuated between $50 and $150 in recent years, reacting to major crypto market events.

What is the long-term outlook for Aave?

Aave’s long-term growth is tied to the increasing adoption of DeFi and its status as a leading DeFi platform. By 2025, Aave’s price could range between $233.19 and $274.75, and by 2030, it could reach up to $1,964.

What is Aave’s historical significance in DeFi?

Aave is a well-established DeFi platform known for its innovation, trusted by both institutional and individual users. Its lending and borrowing services are a core component of the DeFi ecosystem.

What could negatively impact Aave’s price in the future?

Potential risks include security breaches or hacks in the DeFi sector, regulatory changes, and competition from other DeFi platforms.

Is Aave a good investment for the future?

Many analysts consider Aave a solid investment due to its strong foundation in the DeFi space and the growing popularity of decentralized finance.