MMRI and the Upcoming Fed FOMC Decision:

A Wild Expansion Ahead?

As we approach the next Federal Reserve FOMC decision, all eyes are on the Manarino Market Risk Indicator (MMRI)which has been flashing warning signs of an overleveraged system. The MMRI, designed to measure systemic risk, suggests that we could be entering a phase where market expansion takes on a scale many have never seen before—pushed to the extreme by relentless money printing and artificial liquidity.

The Fed is trapped. On one hand, inflation remains sticky. On the other, raising rates further risks breaking the economy. If they pause or pivot toward more dovish policies, it could lead to an explosion in asset prices. The reality? We could be entering a period of wild market growth—driven by money creation, but with devastating consequences for the value of the dollar.Money, quite simply, is about to devalue further.

Just like in 2008, when the system was flooded with liquidity to prevent collapse, the markets may soar to new heights—but this time, it could be on steroids. With each new injection of cash into the system, asset prices could expand at an almost unimaginable pace stocks, real estate, cryptocurrencies everything could rise together in what may feel like a dream scenario for investors, but one built on shaky ground.

The Hidden Cost: Devalued Money

While markets boom, the hidden danger is the devaluation of the very money that drives it. More dollars flooding into the system means each dollar holds less purchasing power. This can create a hyperinflationary environment where your assets might rise, but the true value of what you own is eroded. Imagine seeing your portfolio grow while the cost of living spirals out of control.

What’s coming could be a financial rollercoaster expansions that feel dream-like, but with consequences that may shake the core of the economy.

Pay close attention to the MMRI and the Fed’s next move. If the markets continue to be fueled by cheap money, we could see growth like never before

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