According to Odaily, Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee emphasized the importance of leveraging the city's strengths in finance, shipping, and trade during an interview with Ta Kung Pao and Wen Wei Po. Lee highlighted that the central government's expectations for Hong Kong reflect its recognition of the city's advantages in these sectors. He stressed the need for Hong Kong to capitalize on these strengths to enhance its global standing and economic growth.

Lee noted that the Hong Kong government is actively promoting the healthy development of the financial market through various initiatives. For instance, in August last year, the government established a dedicated task force to boost stock market liquidity. This task force proposed 12 short-term measures to improve market competitiveness, most of which have already been implemented. Additionally, the government is seeking new economic growth drivers, with virtual asset trading already underway in the city. Lee expressed optimism that the promotion of tokenized trading and asset management could lead to further applications in trade.