#Dogs Price Projection: 📢 Don't Miss this New Project

Gm guys, many of you were asking in the comment should I sell my dogs or hold for increased, well that's your personal decision to make but here are some things you need to know.

If you're expecting #dogs to rise to $0.1 or $1 as many people are projecting, that we definitely take several years and a dollar per dogs might not really happen.

Dogs needs a market capitalization of $55 billion to achieve $0.1 and $550 billion for $1, with this stats, I think the highest dogs can achieve in a short term is $0.005.

🚨 Reduce your expectations and join other potential Airdrop opportunities like Catsgang.

Join this massive airdop opportunity here and make some money in few weeks. 👇

🔗 shorter.me/Catsgang

Copy and paste the above link in your browser and proceed to join.

Perform the simple social tasks to earn more cats token.

Let's go 🚀

PS: Your generous tips ❤️ will encourage us in sharing more opportunities.
