When Japan and South Korea use $ASTR Network to combat Yen Inflation in Asia and when #Web3 arrives on all phones in the world, we will be able to have new $BTC . A second cryptocurrency with the largest market capitalization. I am not an Astar trader, I bought some tokens as a piece of this company and I am a holder of the future to have a part of it and be able to be with the best, big companies like Microsoft, Sony, Toyota, Samsung, Casio, Play Station, Petrobras may join, SpaceX, Addidas, Disney, many strong companies will arrive. And I have never had the opportunity in my life to be part of a project alongside these giants. Eagles fly with eagles, I need to be among the strong to be able to win. I think that every person in the world should have at least 1 Astar Network. Success, many blessings to the crypto world.

Domo Arigatou Satoshi Sensei.


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