BNB Coin Price Today
The current price of BNB coin is between $529.35 and $540.71 ¹. The price of BNB coin has seen a 4.5% increase in the last 7 days ¹. The all-time high for BNB coin was $717.48 on June 6, 2024, while the all-time low was $0.03982 on October 19, 2017 ¹.
What is BNB Coin?
BNB coin is a cryptocurrency that can be used to trade and pay fees on the Binance cryptocurrency exchange ². BNB coin is also the cryptocurrency coin that powers the BNB Chain ecosystem ². BNB coin was launched through an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) from June 26 to July 3, 2017 ².
Where to Buy BNB Coin
BNB tokens can be traded on centralized crypto exchanges ¹. The most popular exchange to buy and trade BNB is (link unavailable), where the most active trading pair BNB/USDT has a trading volume of $2,173,975.30 in the last 24 hours ¹. Other popular options include WEEX and P2B ¹.
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