Hey there, fellow crypto enthusiasts! šŸ˜Š Today, Iā€™m excited to share a story thatā€™s been nothing short of legendary in my journey through the world of Tron. My nameā€™s Ax, and while I usually like to keep a low profile, the success Iā€™ve had with a little gem called Sundog is too wild not to share.

So, who am I, and whatā€™s this all about? šŸ¤” Let me take you through it.

A Little About Me

Iā€™m what youā€™d call an ā€œold craftsmanā€ in the TRON ecosystem. Iā€™ve been involved with TRON energy for years, diving deep into the technical side of things. In fact, Iā€™m the developer behind TRONā€™s first energy pen counting mode robot, known as xiaou. So yeah, you could say Iā€™m a bit of a techie. But enough about thatā€”letā€™s get to the exciting part.

The Day It All Changed

It all started just a few days ago. I was casually scrolling through X (the platform formerly known as Twitter) when I saw that Sun Ge had launched something called Sunpump. The buzz was electric, with a ton of resources and funds backing it up. As someone who loves being first to the party, I couldnā€™t resist. I ended up pulling an all-nighter, working tirelessly to develop a new project.

By the time I wrapped up, it was around 6:30 AM, and thatā€™s when Sundog caught my eye. I was testing my Tron trading bot when I spotted Sundog through our Beta bot chain scanning. The logo caught my attention, and I thought, ā€œWhy not?ā€ With a bit of curiosity and a whole lot of exhaustion, I bought 200 TRX worth of Sundog.

After making the purchase, I crashedā€”sleep was long overdue. šŸ˜“

The Surprise of a Lifetime

When I woke up around 10 AM, I was half-expecting to see my investment flatline. But when I checked my wallet, I was in for the shock of my life. Sundog had skyrocketed, and I mean really skyrocketed. The excitement was overwhelmingā€”imagine buying a lottery ticket, going to bed, and waking up to find out youā€™ve won the jackpot. Thatā€™s exactly how it felt.

This was the biggest gain Iā€™d ever seen in my crypto journey. I knew I had to be smart, so I sold 50% of my Sundog holdings right away. You never know when these things might come crashing down, right? Plus, I needed funds for ongoing development work. But even after selling, I decided to hold onto the remaining 50%, just to see where it would go.

And guess what? By the afternoon, that remaining 50% had shot up another 2,000 times! My heart was pounding as I watched the numbers climb. It was a surreal experienceā€”one of those moments you know youā€™ll be talking about for years to come. Sundog wasnā€™t just another meme coin; it was something special.

Reflecting on the Journey

Even after a few strategic sales, Iā€™m still holding onto about 25% of my Sundog stash, and itā€™s still on the rise. Looking back, I feel incredibly fortunate. While Iā€™m used to the grind of development and the ups and downs of the crypto world, this kind of return is something only a few people get to experience. Itā€™s moments like these that remind me why I chose to dive into the TRON ecosystem in the first place.

Whatā€™s Next?

I want to give a huge shoutout to Brother Sun for creating something as amazing as Sunpump. Iā€™m excited to continue this journey, building and growing alongside this incredible project. Who knows what the future holds? All I know is that Iā€™m ready for whatever comes next.

Thanks for reading, and hereā€™s to the wild ride that is the world of crypto! šŸš€

Source: https://x.com/nbxxxtg/status/1825167940117020929

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