Buffett exits from his positions in cash. Personally, I don't think he does it randomly. I'm sure that the old man understands very well that the market is on the rocks and it's time to fix his positions and arrange buckets for the next purchases. And of course he know the next elites plans)

We have a wonderful graph of his cash reserves, where, after analyzing the data, it can be noted that in 2005 [3 years before the 2008 crisis] Buffett made the most of his cash, that is, earlier, and as it turned out, he did the right thing, because the 2008 crisis was ahead

During the crisis of 2008, Buffett made the most of his cash and bought as many shares as possible until the very end of the crisis, until 2010. So people will forgot his moves soon but will come back in 2027 when everyone will stuck in stocks and fancy crypto coins $BTC especially