What is happened on #BNBChain⚡️ lately?

First of all is the amazing results of #Thena hard work - $22,000,000 total revenue!
Congrats the project team and all community🔥

BNB Chain Hachathon 2024 Q3 has been extend to Aug 28!

Great news👍

This means more news, interesting and useful information and of course active Thena participation in this. Become a Champion Builder bro💪

Don't know how does #Governance token work?
Don't worry! Just read useful blog article about $BNB Chain Governance process in a nutshell read more
I liked it😍

Do you know the leader of daily transactions by chain? No?!
It's #opbnb bro where Thena project builds it's power too🤑

Do you see something great? No?!
4th place of THENA by TVL on opBNB and the project doesn't start its engine yet. The great news become soon. Just follow THENA😎

Have questions - welcome to #Discord : https://discord.gg/Z8xhnwKs