The Crypto market is currently very

unstable and gives many of us headaches.

Unexpected significant downtrends all

over are at the order of the day. Be very

weary when making decisions. It feels like

the Crypto market is getting ready for yet

another major dump, I honestly hope I'm


Some bullet points to consider during this

time of extreme uncertainty,

-Resist the urge to sell your coins/tokens

impulsively. Instead, focus on your long-

term strategy and consider the underlying

fundamentals of your investments. It

might even be a good idea to start buying

the significant dips, given that it's strong

and proven coins/tokens. Spot trading o.

for now will maybe be a good idea,

especially if you're in Crypto less than 3The Crypto market is currently very

unstable and gives many of us headaches.

Unexpected significant downtrends all

over are at the order of the day. Be very

weary when making decisions. It feels like

the Crypto market is getting ready for yet

another major dump, I honestly hope I'm


Some bullet points to consider during this

time of extreme uncertainty,

-Resist the urge to sell your coins/tokens

impulsively. Instead, focus on your long-

term strategy and consider the underlying

fundamentals of your investments. It

might even be a good idea to start buying

the significant dips, given that it's strong

and proven coins/tokens. Spot trading o.

for now will maybe be a good idea,

especially if you're in Crypto less than 3 years

-Review your portfolio and identify any

coins/tokens that have become longterm

losers. It might be wise to rebalance your

portfolio by selling these underperforming

coins/tokens and reallocating funds to

stronger performers.

-Make informed decisions about your

investments during market downturns.

Stay focused on your long term strategy,

assess and monitor your portfolio


This is not financial advise, just some


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