The $BTC and $ETH ETFs has made trading altcoins in this current market very difficult as huge liquidity is channeled into Bitcoin, Ethereum and sometimes Solana.

The remaining liquidity is spread thinly on altcoins and this does not have a significant impact on price action.

This is because the number of altcoins have increased by 4X as compared to 2020/2021 season.

A lot of traders are concerned and keep asking "when exactly is the Alts season?".

The answer to this question is not definite as no one can accurately predict the market.

However, during 2020/2021 season, it took both Bitcoin and Ethereum 4months of sideways movement after halving before liquidity flowed into them which then sparked an ATH.

The case was different for altcoins as most of them saw about 8months of sideways movement after halving before their prices peaked to ATH.

Although Bitcoin halving took place in April 2024, we are almost hitting the end of the 4months threshold before we see major price movement to the upside in both BTC and ETH.

That notwithstanding, altcoins with have to patiently run the marathon of about 8months sideways movements and corrections before they pump in last quarter of 2024 into 2025. Trade safe.

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