The eCash network integrated the Avalanche protocol with its core Nakamoto PoW for various reasons, but one additional benefit that most people still have to wrap their minds around is that it is much more secure than other Bitcoin implementations and one of the most secure chains in the space to date.

Last time I checked, a transaction on $XEC is about 3 times more secure than on $BTC, after being finalized by its Avalanche protocol. But that was years ago. I'm pretty sure it is even higher now and certainly more than enough and at the very top of the ranks relative to other networks in terms of security.

Other Bitcoin implementations have only Nakamoto consensus to handle network security, so they must keep adding hash rate to stay on top. Most people compare network security only by looking at the hash rate of networks. But when it comes to eCash, they didn't get the memo on how Avalanche changes the dynamic significantly and won't acknowledge it so they can stay in their tribal bubble.

Yet, the hash rate is not the crucial part of PoW. PoW is needed first and foremost for new nodes to join a network in a permissionless manner and retrieve the transaction history in a trustless/verifiable manner.

Sure, this means if you only have Bitcoin's Nakamoto Consensus as a means to achieve consensus, you have to fully rely on it to secure yourself from a malevolent miner with more than 51% hash rate, who can fool new nodes into a fake version of the chain.

But the #eCash network uses Avalanche to finalize blocks (Post-Consensus) and once Pre-Consensus is out, it also finalizes every single transaction on the spot. These finalized transactions and blocks can't be double-spent or rolled back unless you have a high majority of hash rate combined with about 80% of the staked coins within the Avalanche validator set.

The result in terms of security is a network that retains its completely permissionless and trustless setup that we value from bitcoin technology, while it protects against 51% attacks and achieves instant transaction finality that we need to be a reliable next-generation digital cash network.

We achieved what many other PoW/PoS hybrid chains could not. Retaining the crucial permissionless nature, while increasing network security, efficiency, and extensibility.

This is why $XEC with its minuscule hash rate compared to other Bitcoin implementations, is still more secure than all of them combined.

A practical proof of this is that most exchanges, which generally apply a rigorous security model for user deposits, will wait for multiple confirmations on $BTC or $BCH, while they accept and credit $XEC deposits with only 1 confirmation. This should tell you everything you need to know.

If our network wasn't secure, these exchanges would never accept 1-conf deposits on our chain.

Comparing $XEC 1-conf (and soon instant) deposits with 4 or 6 confirmations on BTC, or 6 to 30+ confirmations on BCH, there is no room for claiming that eCash has no sustainable security model or somehow lacks security.

As always, the Bitcoin ABC implementation is in a goldilocks position where PoW is leveraged not for more than what it is needed for, and Avalanche consensus is integrated in an ideal trade-off.

With advanced, ground-breaking benefits. So much so, that its top-security is just a sidenote next to all the fundamental benefits Avalanche was actually integrated for.

You may have not known, but the Avalanche protocol, which was invented in 2018, is considered the next consensus breakthrough after the breakthrough of Nakamoto PoW. We did not just implement one of many run-of-the-mill PoS schemes. In fact, this novel protocol works irrespective of using PoW or PoS as its underlying sybil-resistance mechanism.

Bitcoin ABC is not trading away anything integrating this extraordinary protocol and forming our current hybrid consensus network, even though all sorts of purists with limited understanding would claim so.

Actual businesses and engineers looking into it know what's up. As long as powerhouses like Binance are willing to accept our super secure, rapid finalized deposits, there is really not much more to add.