$NOT is trading at $0.01583, down 5.2% from yesterday, yet up 15.4% from last week. The trading volume has spiked to $716,784,515 in 24 hours. After a 62% weekend rally and a 300% volume increase on Sunday, NOT’s price has surpassed its value from the start of July.

Technical analysis shows NOT in a retracement phase since June, with key Fibonacci levels acting as support. The token has broken past trendline resistance, with expanding Bollinger bands and an RSI above 50, suggesting potential for continued growth. However, its trajectory may be influenced by Bitcoin’s trend, as BTC’s recent bearish sentiment seems to be diminishing. Short-term, there’s a bullish outlook for NOT, with traders showing increased interest in going long.

$IO $DOCK #NOT🔥🔥🔥 #not #BinanceTurns7 #Ton_Coin_Surge #BTC_Bounce_Back_to_57k