According to Odaily, Matthew Sigel, the head of digital asset research at VanEck, has shared his insights on the current state of the digital asset market. Sigel noted that while Base had dominated the first half of the year, the hype appears to be subsiding. The competition for market share in the Layer2 fee market continues, with OP and ARB still evenly matched.

Sigel's analysis also highlighted a significant loser in the market - MATIC. The data presented by Sigel indicates that the market share of Polygon PoS fees has seen a drastic drop. From holding 90% of the market share in 2021, it has now fallen to less than 20%. This significant decrease underscores the volatile nature of the digital asset market and the rapid shifts that can occur within it.

Sigel's comments provide a snapshot of the current state of the digital asset market, highlighting the ongoing competition and the significant shifts in market share. As the year progresses, it remains to be seen how these trends will evolve and what impact they will have on the broader digital asset landscape.