According to BlockBeats, Bitcoin's DeFi protocol ALEX has announced the launch of its BRC20 bridge. The bridge currently supports the extraction of BRC20 tokens from Stacks to Bitcoin. In addition, the Runes bridge is expected to go live this week, which will facilitate both withdrawals and deposits.

The launch of the BRC20 bridge is a significant development in the Bitcoin DeFi ecosystem. It allows for the seamless transfer of BRC20 tokens between Stacks and Bitcoin, enhancing the interoperability of these platforms. The upcoming launch of the Runes bridge will further expand the capabilities of the ALEX protocol, providing users with more options for managing their digital assets.

These developments highlight the continuous efforts to improve and expand the Bitcoin DeFi ecosystem. The ALEX protocol, with its new bridges, is paving the way for more efficient and flexible management of digital assets. As the Runes bridge goes live, it is expected to further enhance the functionality and user experience of the ALEX protocol.