Dogecoin Founder Opposes 'Dark' Crypto Holders 'Diagnosis' From Study

Billy Markus, who created the original meme cryptocurrency Dogecoin in collaboration with Jackson Palmer in 2013, has taken to his account on the X platform to criticize a study made on cryptocurrency holders recently and then reported by the Independent. This study claims that those who invest in cryptocurrency assets are inclined to have “dark traits” of personality, the “dark tetrad” in particular. The Dogecoin founder said he strongly disagrees with that opinion: “i disagree and let me lengthily argue why i am right.”The Independent article speaks about a study made on 2,001 adults living in the USA who were asked whether they own any cryptocurrency on not. Approximately 30% of these adults admitted to owning crypto. Along with the question about owning crypto, the researchers also collected some other information about them, including their psychological, political and other traits of personality. Based on that data, the researchers tried to decide on characteristics that could best predict whether someone had bought cryptocurrency assets. This study suggested that crypto owners from these respondents are likely to have “dark tetrad” personality traits. In particular, they rely on “fringe social media sources,” “believe in conspiracy theories” and “feel victimized.” They summarized it as traits aligned with “the dark tetrad,” i.e., narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy and sadism. However, the Independent claims that the strongest predictor of whether a person owns crypto proved to be whether they rely on “fringe social media sources” to find out the latest news.

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