Zhen Fund has declared a gift to the open-source AI project vLLM, according to Odaily. According to the fund, the contribution is intended to encourage AI technology's broad adoption, which will benefit more people. A three-person team from the University of California, Berkeley is working on the vLLM project. It is an open-source framework for large model inference acceleration that works with different hardware architectures and supports more than thirty of the most recent open-source LLMs, such as Mistral and Llama.

The contribution from the Zhen Fund is a big step in the direction of making AI technology more accessible. The fund is guaranteeing that more individuals can benefit from these developments in AI technology by sponsoring the vLLM project in addition to helping to improve AI development. With support for many open-source LLMs and compatibility with a wide range of hardware architectures, the vLLM project is well-positioned to have a big influence on AI technology.

The Zhen Fund's action highlights the rising significance of open-source initiatives in the advancement of AI technologies. Organizations like the Zhen Fund are crucial in promoting innovation and accelerating the general use of AI technology by lending financial assistance to such initiatives.