$ETH Market Analysis:

Current Price: $3,444.18

24h Change: -0.20%

24h High: $3,524.94

24h Low: $3,423.75

24h Volume (ETH): 245,202

24h Volume (USD): $843,322,684

Market Trends:

- 7-day MA: $3,465.51

- 25-day MA: $3,474.18

- 99-day MA: $3,422.63

The recent peak at $3,524.94 followed by a slight downward trend puts the current price of ETH in a testing position against the 99-day MA, which could act as a support level. The short-term MA is showing a slight downward curve, while the medium-term MA indicates a consistent downward trend.

Investors should keep an eye on these MAs and the price action around the 99-day MA for potential buy or sell signals.

#Ethereum #ETH #CryptoAnalysis