Friend Tech is the most hype project on Base network now. Let's deep dive on potential and risk involved in Friend Tech. As a new dapps, Friend Tech performance in term of users and fee generated is imppresive!

It already surpassed 1 Million Transactions in just 9 days!
Total volume is also impressive in number
At least 74,800 unique users in just 9 days!

What is Friend Tech?

  • Friend Tech is a decentralized social network build on Base. Base is the latest Layer-2 Ethereum supported by Coinbase.

  • Via Friend Tech we could sell a tokenized version of ourselves in form of "shares". I would say the hype is on par with NFT market last year.

  • Users also can buy or sell shares of another friends.

  • Unlock private chat with friends or KOL (if you bought the share)

  • This is a new concept, I would like to see how it's become in the future.

How to Sign Up Friend Tech

  1. Go to & sign up with your email

  2. Connect with your Twitter

  3. Deposit ETH to your account
    - fill the code shown on your app
    - deposit via metamask or web3 wallet
    - Our ETH will be automatically bridge to Base

  1. Now you can buy or sell shares of your friends

    You can buy my shares as well, search Angga Andinata

What is the risk involved?

  1. Pump & Dump

  2. Scams

  3. No Utility Shares

  4. Smart Contract Risk

  5. Over shilling from influencers

  6. Anonymous developers

What is the bright side of Friend Tech?

  1. A social experiment to monetize yourself

  2. One time fee for shares holder, instead of subscription format

  3. Airdrop potential (Currently it will be dropped in form of points)

What do you think about Friend Tech? A new way to socialize, or only a novel way to speculate and make more money? (or lose..)