Binance Square


1,456 ogledov
1 razprav
saffat Ruslaan
) Dear brothers, how are you?🙅 1) I see on the chart which direction the market can move 🆙 2) What is your opinion, bullish or bearish?📉📈 3) We will only do what the chart tells us ✔️ 4) We will see anyway 📊 5) Thoughts need to be strengthened ☄️ #saffat #trading24o #profit #TradingSignal $BOME $XRP $ETH
) Dear brothers, how are you?🙅

1) I see on the chart which direction the market can move 🆙
2) What is your opinion, bullish or bearish?📉📈
3) We will only do what the chart tells us ✔️
4) We will see anyway 📊
5) Thoughts need to be strengthened ☄️

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