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Marfa 现场报道:与 Neel Shivdasani 对话Neel Shivdasani 是一位来自亚特兰大的艺术家和技术专家,他一边在媒体软件公司 Automattic 领导人工智能创新,一边创作生成艺术。 Shivdasani 拥有专业背景,包括在顶级数字出版和电子商务平台工作过,他在技术方面的专业知识无疑是无可否认的,但他真正的创作激情在于突破使用代码作为艺术媒介的可能性界限。 Shivdasani 的首个系列作品 “Tropism” 于 2021 年在 OpenSea 上发布,在 Marfa Art Blocks Weekend 期间,他首次推出了 “Motion Pictures”,这是一个包含 100 件作品的系列,将动画艺术变成了触觉互动体验,既可以在屏幕上看到,也可以在印刷品上看到。 这些艺术品本身就像是为数字时代重新发明的翻页书,被解构为数字“切片”,这些切片彼此叠放,并可随着观看者的光标移动。  “Motion Pictures” 受到日本艺术家 Takahiro Kurashima 的 “Poemotion” 系列的启发,将使用纸张和胶片制作动画的概念现代化,用户可以使用触摸屏、MIDI 控制器或键盘与该系列互动并调整动画,这些作品还可以以 6x9 格式打印。 这次采访是在 Marfa 艺术街区周末期间在 Thunderbird Marfa 的休息室进行的,Shivdasani 在那里谈到了他的创作过程、他使用的工具,以及 Marfa 紧密的能量如何重新点燃他与世界分享作品的兴奋之情。 ‍注:本记录已为简洁和清晰起见进行了编辑。 OpenSea:最初是什么吸引您进行生成艺术创作的? Neel Shivdasani:我之所以对生成艺术感兴趣,是因为我一直都很喜欢艺术,但我从未真正觉得自己有能力创作它,大约十年前,我开始看到人们用代码和数学创作艺术,由于我是一名程序员和数学爱好者,所以这真的与我产生了共鸣。 后来有一天,我停止在工作中编写代码,意识到我有多想念它,我想,“现在是我开始用代码创作艺术的时候了”,所以我开始探索它的创造性一面,那大概是六年前的事了。 OpenSea:您刚刚在 Art Blocks 上发表了一些文章,您能向我们介绍一下新系列以及您在项目之间的休息时间吗? Neel Shivdasani:是的!它的名字是 “Motion Pictures”,这实际上是我三年来的第一部作品,我之前的作品也是在 Art Blocks 上发布的,那是三年前的事了。 “Motion Pictures” 是基于所谓的屏障网格动画技术,它本质上是一页上交错的六帧动画,你在上面移动胶片,动画就会在纸上栩栩如生,我受到一本名为 “Poemotion” 的书的启发。 大约十年前,我在一家博物馆商店偶然发现了这本书,我一直对创建它的生成版本很感兴趣,因为我认为这是以前从未真正做过的事情,我对此感到非常兴奋,但是,正如我提到的,距离我上次发布已经三年了。 当时,我创作了更多艺术作品,并在网上发布了更多作品,但这对我来说也是一段非常紧张的时期,我当时在一家初创公司工作,试图完全融入艺术界让我感到精疲力竭,我决定休息一下,专注于我的事业,给自己喘息的空间,那段时间我仍然在创作艺术,但没有需要将其推向世界的压力。 当时机成熟时,我对 “Motion Pictures” 非常兴奋,也为自己所做的工作感到自豪,所以我决定发布它,说实话,没有比 Marfa 这里更好的地方分享它了,周围都是朋友、认识多年的人,还有其他真正欣赏我作品的艺术家。 OpenSea:作为一名艺术家,Marfa 社区让您感觉有何特别之处? Neel Shivdasani:Marfa 是一个特别的地方,我认为它本身就很特别,但这个周末 - Marfa 艺术街区周末 - 尤其独特,我从来没有和这些人见面过,我大部分时间都在和艺术家交谈,但作为一个很久没有发布过任何东西的人,我与收藏家和业内人士的交流并不多,不过,这总是让人耳目一新。 这里的每个人都是为了同一件事,每个人都欣赏同样的东西,我刚认识的人在这里感觉就像最好的朋友,这一切都发生在这个超现实的环境中,感觉就像火星的景观,白天气温为 80 度,晚上为 30 度,显然,每年都会有一群狼蛛穿过城镇,这是一个非常奇怪的地方,充满了奇怪的人,我很高兴他们欢迎我。  OpenSea:喜欢这个,讨厌狼蛛 - 喜欢其余部分!那么什么能帮助你进入创意流动状态呢? Neel Shivdasani:当我需要激发创作动力并进入心流状态时,对我来说最好的办法是列出与我的项目或工作相关的小任务,然后将它们完成,我会选择一些容易完成的小事,这样我就可以取得进展,做出小改变,并探索一些我可能会调整的变量或参数。 当我没有动力时,最糟糕的事情就是选择一项大任务开始,这可能需要很长时间,不会立即产生回报,如果几周内看不到成功,我会感到沮丧,另一方面,当我专注于较小的任务时,我会很快开始感到进步,这时事情开始变得非常好,我意识到我正在取得进步,我甚至会在一天中下意识地开始解决更困难的问题,这已经成为我的自然状态。 话虽如此,有时我会几天、几周甚至几个月不创作艺术作品,当这种情况发生时,我知道重新开始创作的最好方法是选择一些我可以完成的小任务,我会先做这些,然后第二天再做同样的事情,再下一天再做,不知不觉中,我感觉很好,我对工作感到兴奋,我不会在生活中降低它的重要性,动力又回来了。 OpenSea:您如何确定指导生成艺术的参数? Neel Shivdasani:当我开始一个项目时,我并不总是有一个具体的行动计划,我没有在脑海中设定参数或变量,我通常有一个大致的方向,这是我脑子里存在的东西,但它往往是模糊的或不明确的。 我尝试朝着那个想法前进,我可能对如何实现目标有一个粗略的想法,但几乎总是这样,我最终的结果并不是我所想的那样,在此过程中,我发现了新的、新兴的行为或技巧。 我经常会偶然发现意想不到的有趣事物,它们比我最初设想的更有趣,通过这个过程,我逐渐巩固了这个项目,并弄清楚了它可以包含的变化、变量和参数。 OpenSea:您是否发现自己在不断地修改,或者您是否知道何时该放弃? Neel Shivdasani:对我来说,用代码创作艺术的过程需要不断修改和调整,理论上,我从未真正放弃过我的项目,我昨天在 Artblocks 上发布的项目 “Motion Pictures” 包含一段代码,这段代码是我在开始用代码创作艺术 30 天后编写的。 我以个人挑战开始这段旅程:连续 30 天每天创作一件新艺术作品,在那一个月内,我开发了自己的计算技术 GraphSearch 实现,我昨天发布的项目使用了同样的技术,所以这代表了大约六年的工作,随着时间的推移,我不断地重新审视和完善代码。  我发现代码是一种非常有趣的媒介,因为它可以无限复制和修改,我从事的每个项目本质上都是对我以前做过的事情的调整或改进,很难说我是否真正知道一个项目何时完成。 在某种程度上,“Motion Pictures” 已经开发了六年,尽管我大约六个月前才最终确定了它的内容,然后又提前了六个月,最终,我决定这是我引以为豪的东西,可以打包并作为完整内容分享,但我知道这个项目的代码很可能成为我下一步工作的一部分。 OpenSea:人们可以在哪里找到您和您的作品? Neel Shivdasani:您可以在我的网站 上找到我。 OpenSea:谢谢你,Neel,这真是太棒了。 Neel Shivdasani:非常感谢,我很荣幸。 #Marfa #ArtBlocks #OpenSea 你关心的 OpenSea 内容 探索 | 收集 | 销售 | 购买 收藏关注 OpenSea 币安频道 掌握最新资讯

Marfa 现场报道:与 Neel Shivdasani 对话

Neel Shivdasani 是一位来自亚特兰大的艺术家和技术专家,他一边在媒体软件公司 Automattic 领导人工智能创新,一边创作生成艺术。
Shivdasani 拥有专业背景,包括在顶级数字出版和电子商务平台工作过,他在技术方面的专业知识无疑是无可否认的,但他真正的创作激情在于突破使用代码作为艺术媒介的可能性界限。
Shivdasani 的首个系列作品 “Tropism” 于 2021 年在 OpenSea 上发布,在 Marfa Art Blocks Weekend 期间,他首次推出了 “Motion Pictures”,这是一个包含 100 件作品的系列,将动画艺术变成了触觉互动体验,既可以在屏幕上看到,也可以在印刷品上看到。
“Motion Pictures” 受到日本艺术家 Takahiro Kurashima 的 “Poemotion” 系列的启发,将使用纸张和胶片制作动画的概念现代化,用户可以使用触摸屏、MIDI 控制器或键盘与该系列互动并调整动画,这些作品还可以以 6x9 格式打印。
这次采访是在 Marfa 艺术街区周末期间在 Thunderbird Marfa 的休息室进行的,Shivdasani 在那里谈到了他的创作过程、他使用的工具,以及 Marfa 紧密的能量如何重新点燃他与世界分享作品的兴奋之情。

Neel Shivdasani:我之所以对生成艺术感兴趣,是因为我一直都很喜欢艺术,但我从未真正觉得自己有能力创作它,大约十年前,我开始看到人们用代码和数学创作艺术,由于我是一名程序员和数学爱好者,所以这真的与我产生了共鸣。
OpenSea:您刚刚在 Art Blocks 上发表了一些文章,您能向我们介绍一下新系列以及您在项目之间的休息时间吗?
Neel Shivdasani:是的!它的名字是 “Motion Pictures”,这实际上是我三年来的第一部作品,我之前的作品也是在 Art Blocks 上发布的,那是三年前的事了。
“Motion Pictures” 是基于所谓的屏障网格动画技术,它本质上是一页上交错的六帧动画,你在上面移动胶片,动画就会在纸上栩栩如生,我受到一本名为 “Poemotion” 的书的启发。
当时机成熟时,我对 “Motion Pictures” 非常兴奋,也为自己所做的工作感到自豪,所以我决定发布它,说实话,没有比 Marfa 这里更好的地方分享它了,周围都是朋友、认识多年的人,还有其他真正欣赏我作品的艺术家。

OpenSea:作为一名艺术家,Marfa 社区让您感觉有何特别之处?
Neel Shivdasani:Marfa 是一个特别的地方,我认为它本身就很特别,但这个周末 - Marfa 艺术街区周末 - 尤其独特,我从来没有和这些人见面过,我大部分时间都在和艺术家交谈,但作为一个很久没有发布过任何东西的人,我与收藏家和业内人士的交流并不多,不过,这总是让人耳目一新。
这里的每个人都是为了同一件事,每个人都欣赏同样的东西,我刚认识的人在这里感觉就像最好的朋友,这一切都发生在这个超现实的环境中,感觉就像火星的景观,白天气温为 80 度,晚上为 30 度,显然,每年都会有一群狼蛛穿过城镇,这是一个非常奇怪的地方,充满了奇怪的人,我很高兴他们欢迎我。 
OpenSea:喜欢这个,讨厌狼蛛 - 喜欢其余部分!那么什么能帮助你进入创意流动状态呢?
Neel Shivdasani:当我需要激发创作动力并进入心流状态时,对我来说最好的办法是列出与我的项目或工作相关的小任务,然后将它们完成,我会选择一些容易完成的小事,这样我就可以取得进展,做出小改变,并探索一些我可能会调整的变量或参数。
Neel Shivdasani:当我开始一个项目时,我并不总是有一个具体的行动计划,我没有在脑海中设定参数或变量,我通常有一个大致的方向,这是我脑子里存在的东西,但它往往是模糊的或不明确的。

Neel Shivdasani:对我来说,用代码创作艺术的过程需要不断修改和调整,理论上,我从未真正放弃过我的项目,我昨天在 Artblocks 上发布的项目 “Motion Pictures” 包含一段代码,这段代码是我在开始用代码创作艺术 30 天后编写的。
我以个人挑战开始这段旅程:连续 30 天每天创作一件新艺术作品,在那一个月内,我开发了自己的计算技术 GraphSearch 实现,我昨天发布的项目使用了同样的技术,所以这代表了大约六年的工作,随着时间的推移,我不断地重新审视和完善代码。 
在某种程度上,“Motion Pictures” 已经开发了六年,尽管我大约六个月前才最终确定了它的内容,然后又提前了六个月,最终,我决定这是我引以为豪的东西,可以打包并作为完整内容分享,但我知道这个项目的代码很可能成为我下一步工作的一部分。
Neel Shivdasani:您可以在我的网站 上找到我。
Neel Shivdasani:非常感谢,我很荣幸。

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🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥MARKET MOVING NEWS🚀🚀🚀🔔 MARKET MOVING NEWS! 📌PLEASE REMEMBER TO DO ADDITIONAL RESEARCH 1️⃣ Indian Crypto Exchange Mudrex Explains Withdrawal Suspension ☄️ #IndiaCrypto Indian crypto exchange Mudrex has reportedly paused crypto withdrawals on its platform, triggering a wave of backlash from the crypto community. The company explained that the suspension is only until Jan. 28 and is aimed at upgrading the platform’s compliance framework to prevent misuse by bad actors. When questioned about the need to pause operations for a compliance upgrade, Mudrex CEO Edul Patel stated, You need to do that with something as critical as crypto. If the infrastructure is not correct, it is very easy for it to be misused for nefarious activities. As a responsible platform, we need to make sure that our systems are in place and we are improving the services at all points in time. We are the only company that has had crypto withdrawals in India for the last three and a half years now, and we continue to stick with that. 2️⃣ World Announces 10 Million Users Verified On World Network ⚡️ World (formerly Worldcoin) has reportedly verified 10 million human beings on its digital identity network. Notably, the milestone comes as Worldcoin drew significant legal scrutiny from state regulators in multiple jurisdictions. The company uses a network of orbs to collect biometric data to establish proof of personhood which it claims is necessary due to rapid AI development. In a Jan. 9 blog post, the World team wrote: As AI agents evolve, proof of human will likely provide the cornerstone for enabling ethical and scalable AI, ensuring humans remain empowered creators in a world increasingly shaped by intelligent machines. 3️⃣ String Of X Hijacks Continues As Hackers Access Accounts Of Litecoin, Foresight Ventures, And Others 🔍 Over the weekend, the X accounts of Litecoin, Foresight Ventures, and LayerZero Labs co-founder Ryan Zarick were hijacked by hackers and used to promote scams. Notably, this is the latest in a recent string of X account hijacks belonging to prominent individuals or companies in the crypto space. The X account of Holoworld AI, which boasts over 150,000 followers, was also compromised last week. 4️⃣ FTX To Begin Distributing $1.2B To Creditors After Trump Inauguration 💰 #FTXAuction Crypto exchange FTX is reportedly preparing to distribute more than $1.2 billion in repayments to users who have been unable to access their funds for over two years. According to FTX creditor Sunil, who is part of the FTX Customer Ad-Hoc Committee (the largest group of more than 1,500 FTX creditors), FTX will likely start repaying claims of up to $50,000 after Jan. 20. This is based on a deadline for users to complete their repayment requirements. Coincidentally, Jan. 20 is also the date of US President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration. Analysts speculate that the new capital from the upcoming FTX repayments and bullish market sentiments on inauguration day could catalyse the next leg up in the 2025 crypto market cycle. 5️⃣ Millions Of OpenSea User Emails Leaked In 2022 Now Fully Public: SlowMist ‼️ #OpenSea According to SlowMist’s chief information security officer, over seven million email addresses compromised in a 2022 OpenSea email vendor leak has recently been “fully publicised” online. The SlowMist executive explained that while the attack occurred in June 2022, the data had not been made public until recently. He noted that all groups of attackers can now use this information to go phishing and scamming. The executive reportedly shared a screenshot with Cointelegraph showing a Telegram message with an attachment named “opensea.io_mail_list.rar,” which purportedly holds 7 million entries. GO DO MORE RESEARCH ON THE FOLLOWING TOPICS ABOVE AND REMEMBER TO LIKE AND FOLLOW #Crypto2025Trands


1️⃣ Indian Crypto Exchange Mudrex Explains Withdrawal Suspension ☄️
Indian crypto exchange Mudrex has reportedly paused crypto withdrawals on its platform, triggering a wave of backlash from the crypto community. The company explained that the suspension is only until Jan. 28 and is aimed at upgrading the platform’s compliance framework to prevent misuse by bad actors.

When questioned about the need to pause operations for a compliance upgrade, Mudrex CEO Edul Patel stated,

You need to do that with something as critical as crypto. If the infrastructure is not correct, it is very easy for it to be misused for nefarious activities. As a responsible platform, we need to make sure that our systems are in place and we are improving the services at all points in time. We are the only company that has had crypto withdrawals in India for the last three and a half years now, and we continue to stick with that.

2️⃣ World Announces 10 Million Users Verified On World Network ⚡️

World (formerly Worldcoin) has reportedly verified 10 million human beings on its digital identity network. Notably, the milestone comes as Worldcoin drew significant legal scrutiny from state regulators in multiple jurisdictions. The company uses a network of orbs to collect biometric data to establish proof of personhood which it claims is necessary due to rapid AI development.

In a Jan. 9 blog post, the World team wrote:

As AI agents evolve, proof of human will likely provide the cornerstone for enabling ethical and scalable AI, ensuring humans remain empowered creators in a world increasingly shaped by intelligent machines.

3️⃣ String Of X Hijacks Continues As Hackers Access Accounts Of Litecoin, Foresight Ventures, And Others 🔍

Over the weekend, the X accounts of Litecoin, Foresight Ventures, and LayerZero Labs co-founder Ryan Zarick were hijacked by hackers and used to promote scams. Notably, this is the latest in a recent string of X account hijacks belonging to prominent individuals or companies in the crypto space. The X account of Holoworld AI, which boasts over 150,000 followers, was also compromised last week.

4️⃣ FTX To Begin Distributing $1.2B To Creditors After Trump Inauguration 💰
Crypto exchange FTX is reportedly preparing to distribute more than $1.2 billion in repayments to users who have been unable to access their funds for over two years. According to FTX creditor Sunil, who is part of the FTX Customer Ad-Hoc Committee (the largest group of more than 1,500 FTX creditors), FTX will likely start repaying claims of up to $50,000 after Jan. 20. This is based on a deadline for users to complete their repayment requirements. Coincidentally, Jan. 20 is also the date of US President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration. Analysts speculate that the new capital from the upcoming FTX repayments and bullish market sentiments on inauguration day could catalyse the next leg up in the 2025 crypto market cycle.

5️⃣ Millions Of OpenSea User Emails Leaked In 2022 Now Fully Public: SlowMist ‼️
According to SlowMist’s chief information security officer, over seven million email addresses compromised in a 2022 OpenSea email vendor leak has recently been “fully publicised” online. The SlowMist executive explained that while the attack occurred in June 2022, the data had not been made public until recently. He noted that all groups of attackers can now use this information to go phishing and scamming. The executive reportedly shared a screenshot with Cointelegraph showing a Telegram message with an attachment named “opensea.io_mail_list.rar,” which purportedly holds 7 million entries.

Hơn 7 triệu email từ vụ rò rỉ OpenSea 2022 bị công bố, có cả CZHơn 7 triệu địa chỉ email bị rò rỉ trong vụ tấn công nhà cung cấp email của OpenSea vào năm 2022 hiện đã bị công bố hoàn toàn trên mạng, theo cảnh báo từ 23pds, Giám đốc bảo mật thông tin của SlowMist, đăng trên X vào ngày 13/1. Đáng chú ý, trong danh sách bị lộ có cả email của CZ (Changpeng Zhao), Cựu CEO Binance. Dù vụ tấn công xảy ra từ tháng 6/2022, dữ liệu này chỉ mới bị công khai gần đây, làm tăng nguy cơ người dùng bị nhắm đến qua lừa đảo phishing và scam. Tệp dữ liệu với tên “opensea.io_mail_list.rar” đã xuất hiện trên các nhóm Telegram, theo chia sẻ từ 23pds. Lời khuyên bảo mật cho người dùng sau vụ rò rỉ email của OpenSea Để giảm thiểu rủi ro sau vụ rò rỉ 7 triệu email từ OpenSea, người dùng nên kiểm tra xem có từng chia sẻ email với OpenSea trong quá khứ hay không. Các biện pháp bảo mật cần thực hiện bao gồm: Không mở email đáng ngờ hoặc cung cấp thông tin cá nhân qua email.Kích hoạt xác thực hai yếu tố (2FA) và sử dụng mật khẩu mạnh để bảo vệ tài khoản.Cập nhật thông tin bảo mật từ các nguồn uy tín để kịp thời nhận diện các mối đe dọa. Hiện tại, OpenSea chưa đưa ra phản hồi chính thức về sự cố này. #ChangpengZhao #OpenSea Cám ơn các bạn đã theo dõi! Hãy like, comment và follow Cafebit Research để luôn cập nhật những tin tức mới nhất về thị trường tiền điện tử và không bỏ lỡ bất kỳ thông tin quan trọng nào nhé!

Hơn 7 triệu email từ vụ rò rỉ OpenSea 2022 bị công bố, có cả CZ

Hơn 7 triệu địa chỉ email bị rò rỉ trong vụ tấn công nhà cung cấp email của OpenSea vào năm 2022 hiện đã bị công bố hoàn toàn trên mạng, theo cảnh báo từ 23pds, Giám đốc bảo mật thông tin của SlowMist, đăng trên X vào ngày 13/1. Đáng chú ý, trong danh sách bị lộ có cả email của CZ (Changpeng Zhao), Cựu CEO Binance.

Dù vụ tấn công xảy ra từ tháng 6/2022, dữ liệu này chỉ mới bị công khai gần đây, làm tăng nguy cơ người dùng bị nhắm đến qua lừa đảo phishing và scam. Tệp dữ liệu với tên “opensea.io_mail_list.rar” đã xuất hiện trên các nhóm Telegram, theo chia sẻ từ 23pds.

Lời khuyên bảo mật cho người dùng sau vụ rò rỉ email của OpenSea
Để giảm thiểu rủi ro sau vụ rò rỉ 7 triệu email từ OpenSea, người dùng nên kiểm tra xem có từng chia sẻ email với OpenSea trong quá khứ hay không.
Các biện pháp bảo mật cần thực hiện bao gồm:
Không mở email đáng ngờ hoặc cung cấp thông tin cá nhân qua email.Kích hoạt xác thực hai yếu tố (2FA) và sử dụng mật khẩu mạnh để bảo vệ tài khoản.Cập nhật thông tin bảo mật từ các nguồn uy tín để kịp thời nhận diện các mối đe dọa.
Hiện tại, OpenSea chưa đưa ra phản hồi chính thức về sự cố này.
#ChangpengZhao #OpenSea

Cám ơn các bạn đã theo dõi!
Hãy like, comment và follow Cafebit Research để luôn cập nhật những tin tức mới nhất về thị trường tiền điện tử và không bỏ lỡ bất kỳ thông tin quan trọng nào nhé!
⚡️Top Blockchain dApps by Total Revenue (30d) In this post, we analyze the data from @Tokenterminal and rank the top blockchain dApps by total revenue in the last 30 days, to understand which dApps are generating the most income and why. $MKR $DYDX $LDO $GMX $SNX $CAKE $VRTX $AAVE $CVX $ENS $CRV $GNS #opensea #FriendTech #Cake #AAVE #opensea
⚡️Top Blockchain dApps by Total Revenue (30d)

In this post, we analyze the data from @Tokenterminal and rank the top blockchain dApps by total revenue in the last 30 days, to understand which dApps are generating the most income and why.

$MKR $DYDX $LDO $GMX $SNX $CAKE $VRTX $AAVE $CVX $ENS $CRV $GNS #opensea #FriendTech #Cake #AAVE #opensea
⚡️Top 10 NFT Marketplaces by Volume (30d) An NFT marketplace is a digital platform for buying and selling NFTs. Let's take a look at some of the best-performed NFT marketplaces by volume in the last 30 days, according to the data from DappRadar. $BLUR $OKB #UniSat $IMX $JPG #Blur #IMX #opensea #X2Y2 #CryptoPunks
⚡️Top 10 NFT Marketplaces by Volume (30d)

An NFT marketplace is a digital platform for buying and selling NFTs. Let's take a look at some of the best-performed NFT marketplaces by volume in the last 30 days, according to the data from DappRadar.

$BLUR $OKB #UniSat $IMX $JPG #Blur #IMX #opensea #X2Y2 #CryptoPunks
Bitcoin Cats announced that they are in final preparations for the NFT distribution. Bitcoin Cats also reveals the plan to launch an NFT bridge between Bitcoin and Ethereum networks, allowing users to trade their Bitcoin Cats NFTs on platforms such as Opensea. #Bitcoincats #BTC #nft #opensea
Bitcoin Cats announced that they are in final preparations for the NFT distribution.

Bitcoin Cats also reveals the plan to launch an NFT bridge between Bitcoin and Ethereum networks, allowing users to trade their Bitcoin Cats NFTs on platforms such as Opensea.

#Bitcoincats #BTC #nft #opensea
#NFT MARKET OVERVIEW TOP COLLECTION #Runestone - 24H Volume $8.77M TOP SALE #CruptoPunk 9089- $174.26K TOP MARKETPLACE #MagicEden - 24H Volume $30.31M purchase your Nft at make a 100 times profit link at #opensea #bitcoinhalving #BullorBear
#Runestone - 24H Volume $8.77M
#CruptoPunk 9089- $174.26K
#MagicEden - 24H Volume $30.31M

purchase your Nft at make a 100 times profit link at #opensea #bitcoinhalving #BullorBear
Признанный виновным в инсайдерской торговле экс-менеджер OpenSea подал апелляцию о пересмотре приговора Бывший менеджер NFT-маркетплейса OpenSea Натаниэль Честейн, признанный виновным в инсайдерской торговле, подал апелляцию для отмены обвинительного приговора либо проведения повторного судебного разбирательства. По мнению адвокатов, он имел право на оправдательный приговор, поскольку власти США не смогли доказать, что связанная с токенами информация торговой площадки имеет коммерческую ценность и является охраняемой собственностью. Материал Cointelegraph #opensea #NFTnews
Признанный виновным в инсайдерской торговле экс-менеджер OpenSea подал апелляцию о пересмотре приговора

Бывший менеджер NFT-маркетплейса OpenSea Натаниэль Честейн, признанный виновным в инсайдерской торговле, подал апелляцию для отмены обвинительного приговора либо проведения повторного судебного разбирательства. По мнению адвокатов, он имел право на оправдательный приговор, поскольку власти США не смогли доказать, что связанная с токенами информация торговой площадки имеет коммерческую ценность и является охраняемой собственностью.

Материал Cointelegraph
#opensea #NFTnews
Art_Blocks Blast Là bộ sưu tập nghệ thuật với 250 tác phẩm trong phiên bản Blast_ETH Được giao dịch trên sàn giao dịch #ok Blast_ETH đang hot nhất về khối lượng giao dịch Chúc anh em sớm thành công cho người đến trước #binance #nft #opensea
Art_Blocks Blast
Là bộ sưu tập nghệ thuật với 250 tác phẩm trong phiên bản Blast_ETH
Được giao dịch trên sàn giao dịch #ok
Blast_ETH đang hot nhất về khối lượng giao dịch
Chúc anh em sớm thành công cho người đến trước
#binance #nft #opensea
🚨 Exclusive NFT Collection Drop Amid Bull Market Surge! 🚨 As we gear up for what could be a powerful bull run in the crypto market, now is the perfect time to explore unique digital assets that grow with it. Our latest NFT collection is designed for both new collectors and seasoned enthusiasts looking to capitalize on this upward momentum. 🌌 ✨ Why Now? • Rising Market Potential: In a bull market, NFTs and digital art assets often follow the surge—now’s the time to collect and watch your assets appreciate. 📈 • Exclusive & Affordable: Starting at just 0.003 ETH, this collection is accessible while offering true rarity and blockchain ownership. • Community of Growth: Join a network of collectors pushing the boundaries of digital ownership and creativity. Don’t miss this chance to secure NFTs as the market rises. Be part of the movement, and let’s aim for the moon together! 🚀 👉 Explore on OpenSea #NFT #BullMarket2025 #OpenSea #Write2Earn! #FullMarketBullRun
🚨 Exclusive NFT Collection Drop Amid Bull Market Surge! 🚨

As we gear up for what could be a powerful bull run in the crypto market, now is the perfect time to explore unique digital assets that grow with it. Our latest NFT collection is designed for both new collectors and seasoned enthusiasts looking to capitalize on this upward momentum. 🌌

✨ Why Now?
• Rising Market Potential: In a bull market, NFTs and digital art assets often follow the surge—now’s the time to collect and watch your assets appreciate. 📈

• Exclusive & Affordable: Starting at just 0.003 ETH, this collection is accessible while offering true rarity and blockchain ownership.

• Community of Growth: Join a network of collectors pushing the boundaries of digital ownership and creativity.

Don’t miss this chance to secure NFTs as the market rises. Be part of the movement, and let’s aim for the moon together! 🚀

👉 Explore on OpenSea

#NFT #BullMarket2025 #OpenSea
#Write2Earn! #FullMarketBullRun
MAJOR UPCOMING EVENTS IN DECEMBER #XAI $XAI #Stellar $XLM #Gala $GALA #LTONetwork $LTO #OmniNetwork $OMNI #MagicEden $ME #Sophon $SOPH #Stacks $STX #SonicLabs #FTM #Coti $COTI #Ethena $ENA #MovementLabs $MOVE #NearProtocol $NEAR #Ankr $ANKR #OpenSea

#XAI $XAI #Stellar $XLM #Gala $GALA #LTONetwork $LTO #OmniNetwork $OMNI #MagicEden $ME #Sophon $SOPH #Stacks $STX #SonicLabs #FTM #Coti $COTI #Ethena $ENA #MovementLabs $MOVE #NearProtocol $NEAR #Ankr $ANKR #OpenSea
🚀 Exciting NFT Project Alert! 🚀 🌟 Metamorphic Pepe: Transforming NFTs with Quality and Creativity 🌟 Are you ready for a metamorphic journey into the world of NFTs? Look no further than Metamorphic Pepe, an exclusive collection of 10,000 NFTs that has taken the Ethereum blockchain by storm. Let's dive into what makes this project so special: 1. Quality Craftsmanship: Metamorphic Pepe isn't your run-of-the-mill memecoin. Each green frog in this collection undergoes a magical transformation, turning into various characters that evoke emotions and tell incredible stories. These NFTs are not just virtual art; they're a gateway to a world of privileges. 2. Early Bird Bonanza: Here's the scoop: minting is currently free! Yes, you read that right. As one of the first 300 participants, you have the golden opportunity to nab your very own Metamorphic Pepe without spending a dime. But hurry, because such rare giveaways don't come around often. 3. Team Commitment: The Metamorphic Pepe team is on a mission for success. They've crafted quality projects before, and this one is no exception. With their eyes set on the stars, they're determined to make waves in the NFT universe. So, fellow crypto enthusiasts, seize this moment! Dive into the metamorphic magic of Pepe, mint your NFT, and join the ranks of early adopters. 🐸✨ Explore Metamorphic Pepe: [Metamorphic Pepe]( *Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only. Always do your own research before participating in any project.* 🚀🔍 #HotTrends #PEPE‏ #nft #opensea #ART
🚀 Exciting NFT Project Alert! 🚀

🌟 Metamorphic Pepe: Transforming NFTs with Quality and Creativity 🌟

Are you ready for a metamorphic journey into the world of NFTs? Look no further than Metamorphic Pepe, an exclusive collection of 10,000 NFTs that has taken the Ethereum blockchain by storm. Let's dive into what makes this project so special:

1. Quality Craftsmanship: Metamorphic Pepe isn't your run-of-the-mill memecoin. Each green frog in this collection undergoes a magical transformation, turning into various characters that evoke emotions and tell incredible stories. These NFTs are not just virtual art; they're a gateway to a world of privileges.

2. Early Bird Bonanza: Here's the scoop: minting is currently free! Yes, you read that right. As one of the first 300 participants, you have the golden opportunity to nab your very own Metamorphic Pepe without spending a dime. But hurry, because such rare giveaways don't come around often.

3. Team Commitment: The Metamorphic Pepe team is on a mission for success. They've crafted quality projects before, and this one is no exception. With their eyes set on the stars, they're determined to make waves in the NFT universe.

So, fellow crypto enthusiasts, seize this moment! Dive into the metamorphic magic of Pepe, mint your NFT, and join the ranks of early adopters. 🐸✨

Explore Metamorphic Pepe: [Metamorphic Pepe](

*Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only. Always do your own research before participating in any project.* 🚀🔍

#HotTrends #PEPE‏ #nft #opensea #ART
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