$MOVE Coin Price Prediction 2025 - 2028
According to our latest Movement (MOVE) price forecast, the coin is expected to surge by 225.57%, reaching $1.461335 by April 24, 2025. Technical indicators currently show a neutral sentiment, while the Fear & Greed Index sits at 46 (Fear). Over the last 30 days, MOVE recorded 14 green days (47%) with a 5.95% volatility rate, suggesting now might be a good time to buy.
Movement Price Prediction 2025
In 2025, MOVE is projected to trade between $0.448853 and $2.10, with an average price of $1.188995. This could yield a potential ROI of 306.67% based on current levels.
Movement Price Prediction 2026
By 2026, MOVE’s price is forecasted to range between $0.5154 and $1.234398, with an average of $0.876622 throughout the year. February is expected to be the most bullish month, with the coin trading 138.82% higher than today’s price.
Movement Price Prediction 2027
The 2027 outlook appears bearish, with MOVE expected to reach a high of $0.571461 in September and a low of $0.375202 in January. The projected average price is $0.467032 for the year.
Movement Price Prediction 2028
MOVE is expected to show an uptrend in 2028, with a 33.91% increase from current levels, reaching $0.709966. The price is likely to fluctuate between $0.432416 (January) and $0.871058 (December), potentially delivering an ROI of 64.30%.
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