Cena Saga (SAGA)

1 Saga je enako € 1.475146 EUR+2.53%1 dan
Stran nazadnje posodobljena: 2025-01-03 02:54 (UTC+0)
Kako se vam danes zdi Saga?
Opomba: Te informacije so samo za ponazoritev.

Današnja cena SAGA

V tem trenutku cena v živo Saga znaša € 1.475146 po tečaju (SAGA/EUR) s trenutno tržno kapitalizacijo € 160.14M EUR. 24-urni obseg trgovanja je € 35.30M EUR. Cena SAGA glede na EUR se posodablja sproti. Saga je +2.53% v zadnjih 24 urah s skupno ponudbo na trgu 108.56M.
SAGA zgodovina cen EUR
Primerjava datumovSprememba zneska% spremembe
Danes€ 0.036434+2.53%
30 dni€ -1.058784-41.78%
60 dni€ -0.202294-12.06%
90 dni€ -0.796312-35.06%

Podrobnosti o trgu SAGA

Najnižja in najvišja vrednost v zadnjih 24 urah
Najnižja: € 1.441781
Najvišja: € 1.499458
Najvišja in najnižja cena, plačana za to sredstvo v zadnjih 24 urah.
Rekordno visoka vrednost
€ 7.611959
Najvišja cena, plačana za to sredstvo, odkar je bilo izdano ali uvrščeno na seznam.
Sprememba cene (1 ura)
Sprememba cene v odstotkih za to sredstvo v primerjavi s stanjem pred 1 uro.
Sprememba cene (24 ur)
Sprememba cene v odstotkih za to sredstvo v primerjavi s stanjem pred 24 urami.
Sprememba cene (7 dni)
Sprememba cene v odstotkih za to sredstvo v primerjavi s stanjem pred 7 dnevi.

Podrobnosti o trgu SAGA

Priljubljenost temelji na relativni tržni kapitalizaciji sredstev.
Tržna kapitalizacija
€ 160.14M
Tržna kapitalizacija se izračuna tako, da se skupna ponudba sredstva na trgu pomnoži z njegovo trenutno ceno.
Obseg (24 ur)
€ 35.30M
Skupna vrednost v dolarjih vseh transakcij za to sredstvo v zadnjih 24 urah.
Razpoložljivi obtok
Število kovancev, ki krožijo na trgu in so na voljo javnosti za trgovanje, podobno kot delnice, s katerimi se javno trguje na borzi.
Skupna končna količina
Skupno število kovancev, ki bodo kadar koli ustvarjeni za določeno kriptovaluto, podobno kot pri popolnoma razredčenih delnicah na borzi. Če teh podatkov ne zagotovi ali preveri CoinMarketCap, je končna količina prikazana kot '--'.
Popolnoma razredčena tržna kapitalizacija
€ 1.55B
Skupno število kovancev, ki bodo kadar koli ustvarjeni za določeno kriptovaluto, podobno kot pri popolnoma razredčenih delnicah na borzi. Če teh podatkov ne zagotovi ali preveri CoinMarketCap, je končna količina prikazana kot '--'.
Datum izdaje

Kaj lahko počnete z Saga (SAGA)?

Raziščite, kako uporabljati kriptovalute s platformo Binance.

About Saga (SAGA)

Saga is a Layer 1 protocol designed to enable developers to create VM-agnostic, and interoperable chains, referred to as "Chainlets." These Chainlets aim to provide applications with scalable growth potential.

The Saga Protocol operates on a decentralized proof-of-stake system, ensuring that each Chainlet maintains the same set of validators and security framework as the Saga Mainnet.

Each Chainlet offers:

Scalability: Designed as parallel appchain instances, Chainlets allow for the scalable expansion of applications, enhancing performance and speed.

Economical Transactions: Developers can choose their monetization strategies, including using their own tokens, fiat, stablecoins, or tokens from other ecosystems. The pricing for Chainlet fees is determined through a daily reverse auction among validators.

Easy Setup: Developers can initiate a Chainlet with a simple click in the Saga WebApp.

Interoperability: The protocol facilitates easy and quick asset transfers between Chainlets and between Saga and other ecosystems through its built-in interoperability and async composability. The fast finality of transactions on each Chainlet also supports efficient bridging to other chains.

Flexibility: Developers have the flexibility to customize their dedicated chains to suit their needs.

The protocol's native utility token, $SAGA, serves several functions:

Mode of Payment: Developers use $SAGA tokens to compensate network validators for initiating and maintaining their Chainlets.

Staking: Participants who stake their tokens contribute to the network's security and receive $SAGA tokens and tokens from projects on the Saga protocol as incentives.

Governance: Holders of $SAGA tokens can participate in the network's governance decisions.

Saga has raised $15 million from investors, including Placeholder, Maven11, Longhash, Samsung, Com2uS, Polygon, Merit Circle, Figment, and Chorus One.

The total supply of $SAGA currently is 1 billion, with an expected circulating supply of approximately 90 million tokens (9% of the total supply) at the Token Generation Event (TGE).

People Also Ask: Other Questions About Saga 

  1. Who Are the Founders of Saga Protocol?  

    The Saga Protocol was established by a team of four co-founders, each bringing unique skills and experiences to the project. The co-founders are Rebecca Liao, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and provides strategic direction and overall execution of the Saga Protocol. Jin Kwon is Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) and is responsible for developing and implementing strategic initiatives that align with Saga's mission and goals. Jacob Mcdorman is the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and leads the technical development of the Saga Protocol. Bogdan Alexandrescu, Vice President of Engineering, oversees the engineering team, focusing on developing and deploying the Saga Protocol's infrastructure and features. 

  2. What Makes Saga Different From Others? 

    The Saga Protocol aims to distinguish itself as the sole Layer 1 (L1) blockchain framework that enables the creation of other L1 blockchains, aiming to provide developers with unlimited horizontal scalability. This is achieved through its innovative use of Chainlets—parallel appchain instances that permit applications to scale dynamically, ensuring optimal performance and speed. Unique to Saga, as per the project, is the feature of cost-effective transactions with low and predictable fees, where developers have the freedom to adopt various monetization strategies without being bound to a single model. This flexibility in transaction fees is made possible by a daily reverse auction among validators, promoting fair pricing for blockchain space.

  3. How is the SAGA Network Secured?

    The Saga mainnet ensures its security through a completely decentralized, proof-of-stake (PoS) model, utilizing the Tendermint consensus mechanism.  

  4. What is the Circulating Supply of SAGA?

    Currently, the total supply of $SAGA tokens is set at 1 billion, with an anticipated circulating supply of around 90 million tokens.

  5. What is SAGA Token Used For?

    $SAGA, plays multiple roles within the Saga Protocol ecosystem. It acts as a currency that developers use to pay network validators for the creation and ongoing support of their Chainlets, ensuring the network's operational integrity. Additionally, $SAGA serves as an incentive for participants who stake their tokens, contributing to the network's security; these stakers are rewarded with $SAGA tokens and tokens from various projects developed on the Saga protocol. Furthermore, holding $SAGA tokens grants individuals the right to engage in the governance of the network.

  6. How to Buy SAGA Tokens?

    SAGA can be purchased directly from Binance using a debit or credit card. It can also be traded for other cryptocurrencies on the Binance exchange. Live SAGA price is updated in real-time on Binance. For additional instructions and information read our How to Buy SAGA Guide.

Video razdelek

Cene kriptovalut so izpostavljene visokemu tržnemu tveganju in nestabilnosti cen. Vlagajte samo v produkte, ki jih poznate in za katere razumete povezana tveganja. Vsebina, izražena na tej strani, ni namenjena in se ne sme razumeti kot odobritev družbe Binance glede zanesljivosti ali točnosti takšne vsebine. Pazljivo pretehtajte svoje naložbene izkušnje, finančno stanje, naložbene cilje in toleranco tveganj ter se pred kakršno koli naložbo posvetujte z neodvisnim finančnim svetovalcem. To gradivo se ne sme razumeti kot finančni nasvet. Pretekla uspešnost ni zanesljiv kazalnik prihodnje uspešnosti. Vrednost vaše naložbe se lahko zniža in poveča. Morda vloženega zneska ne boste dobili nazaj. Za svoje naložbene odločitve ste odgovorni izključno sami. Družba Binance ne odgovarja za morebitne izgube. Za več informacij si oglejte naše pogoje uporabe in opozorila o tveganju. Upoštevajte tudi, da podatki v zvezi z zgoraj omenjeno kriptovaluto, predstavljeni tukaj (kot je njena trenutna cena v živo), temeljijo na virih tretjih oseb. Predstavljeni so vam na podlagi »kot so« in samo v informativne namene, brez zastopanja ali kakršnega koli jamstva. Povezave do spletnih mest tretjih oseb prav tako niso pod nadzorom družbe Binance. Družba Binance ne odgovarja za zanesljivost in točnost takšnih spletnih mest tretjih oseb in njihove vsebine.