Cena League of Kingdoms Arena (LOKA)

Cene kriptovalut so izpostavljene visokemu tržnemu tveganju in nestabilnosti cen. Vlagajte samo v produkte, ki jih poznate in za katere razumete povezana tveganja.
1 League of Kingdoms Arena equals Rp 4,525.34 IDR-0.21%1 dan
Stran nazadnje posodobljena: 2024-12-11 12:35 (UTC+0)
Kako se vam danes zdi League of Kingdoms Arena?
Opomba: Te informacije so samo za ponazoritev.

Današnja cena LOKA

V tem trenutku cena v živo League of Kingdoms Arena znaša Rp 4,525.34 po tečaju (LOKA/IDR) s trenutno tržno kapitalizacijo Rp 835.06B IDR. 24-urni obseg trgovanja je Rp 165.82B IDR. Cena LOKA glede na IDR se posodablja sproti. League of Kingdoms Arena je -0.21% v zadnjih 24 urah s skupno ponudbo na trgu 184.53M.
LOKA zgodovina cen IDR
Primerjava datumovSprememba zneska% spremembe
DanesRp -9.715427-0.21%
30 dniRp 1,243.98+37.91%
60 dniRp 1,353.26+42.66%
90 dniRp 752.37+19.94%

Podrobnosti o trgu LOKA

Najnižja in najvišja vrednost v zadnjih 24 urah
Najnižja: Rp 4,017.35
Najvišja: Rp 4,550.35
Najvišja in najnižja cena, plačana za to sredstvo v zadnjih 24 urah.
Rekordno visoka vrednost
Rp 85,598.03
Najvišja cena, plačana za to sredstvo, odkar je bilo izdano ali uvrščeno na seznam.
Sprememba cene (1 ura)
Sprememba cene v odstotkih za to sredstvo v primerjavi s stanjem pred 1 uro.
Sprememba cene (24 ur)
Sprememba cene v odstotkih za to sredstvo v primerjavi s stanjem pred 24 urami.
Sprememba cene (7 dni)
Sprememba cene v odstotkih za to sredstvo v primerjavi s stanjem pred 7 dnevi.

Podrobnosti o trgu LOKA

Priljubljenost temelji na relativni tržni kapitalizaciji sredstev.
Tržna kapitalizacija
Rp 835.06B
Tržna kapitalizacija se izračuna tako, da se skupna ponudba sredstva na trgu pomnoži z njegovo trenutno ceno.
Obseg (24 ur)
Rp 165.82B
Skupna vrednost v dolarjih vseh transakcij za to sredstvo v zadnjih 24 urah.
Razpoložljivi obtok
Število kovancev, ki krožijo na trgu in so na voljo javnosti za trgovanje, podobno kot delnice, s katerimi se javno trguje na borzi.
Skupna končna količina
Skupno število kovancev, ki bodo kadar koli ustvarjeni za določeno kriptovaluto, podobno kot pri popolnoma razredčenih delnicah na borzi. Če teh podatkov ne zagotovi ali preveri CoinMarketCap, je končna količina prikazana kot '--'.
Popolnoma razredčena tržna kapitalizacija
Rp 2,262.67B
Skupno število kovancev, ki bodo kadar koli ustvarjeni za določeno kriptovaluto, podobno kot pri popolnoma razredčenih delnicah na borzi. Če teh podatkov ne zagotovi ali preveri CoinMarketCap, je končna količina prikazana kot '--'.
Datum izdaje

Kaj lahko počnete z League of Kingdoms Arena (LOKA)?

Raziščite, kako uporabljati kriptovalute s platformo Binance.

About League of Kingdoms Arena (LOKA)

League of Kingdoms is an MMO strategy game that utilizes blockchain technology to enable players to build, battle, rule, compete, and trade within a decentralized game world. The game operates on the Ethereum blockchain and claims to utilize a "play-to-earn" model.

In the game, players can build their own kingdoms, train and deploy armies, and form alliances with other players in order to compete for hegemony over the game's decentralized continent. Players can also participate in a variety of events and competitions, earn rewards, and climb the ranks through strategic gameplay.

One of the key features of League of Kingdoms is the use of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to represent in-game assets, including land and other assets. These NFTs are owned by the players themselves and can be bought, sold, and traded on a decentralized marketplace.

According to League of Kingdoms Arena documentation, players can also earn cryptocurrency based on their NFT ownership, effort, talent, and time and can withdraw or reinvest these earnings into the game.

The game's ecology is made up of five layers: the blockchain, land, kingdoms, alliances, and the world. The blockchain layer serves as the foundation for the game, enabling true ownership, an interoperable economy, and transparent governance.

Land represents the non-fungible real estate within the game, and kingdoms are the small, medieval civilizations that players build and rule over. Alliances are clans that players can join or create, and the world is the overarching game environment that encompasses all of these layers.

LOKA, the native token is used across various functions, including governance, where holders can participate in decision-making processes; in-game purchases and payments, allowing players to buy items and services within the game; and in-game rewards, where players earn LOKA for achievements or completing specific tasks within the game.

LOKA is available for trade and purchase on Binance. The current price of LOKA is updated and live-tracked on Binance in real-time.

People Also Ask: Other Questions About League of Kingdoms Arena

  1. What is LOKA Used For?

    The LOKA token is a digital asset that is used within the League of Kingdoms Arena. The LOKA token serves as a form of currency within the game, allowing players to purchase in-game items, such as weapons, armor, and resources.

    One of the main functions of the LOKA token is that it allows players to purchase items and resources within the game. This can be especially useful for players who want to advance quickly in the game, as they can use the LOKA token to purchase the items and resources they need to succeed. LOKA also serves as the governance token of the League of Kingdoms Arena ecosystem. As holders of LOKA, players have jurisdictional oversight over entire continents within the game. Purportedly, users will be able to restrict certain activities, impose taxes and fees, determine the value of contest bounties, and create their own set of laws that other players must follow.

    LOKA can be earned in a variety of ways within the game, including playing various game content and participating in community-driven initiatives. It can be used to propose and vote on decisions, stake and earn yields, breed Drago NFTs and upgrade other NFTs, and purchase assets from the game shop.

  2. Who Is the League of Kingdoms Arena Founder?

    League of Kingdoms Arena was developed by the Seoul-based game development company NOD Games. NOD Games is led by CEO Chan Lee and CTO Steve Hwang. LOKA, the game's native cryptocurrency, was initially launched in 2022. In April 2022, LOKA price reached an all-time high of $5.37.

  3. What is the Maximum Token supply of LOKA?

    At the time of writing, the maximum supply of League of Kingdoms Arena is 500 million LOKA, with a circulating supply of 178,123,904 LOKA. 

  4. What Makes League of Kingdoms Arena Different From Others?

    League of Kingdoms Arena is an MMO game that utilizes blockchain and NFT technology to enable players ownership over their in-game items. 

  5. How To Buy League of Kingdoms Arena (LOKA)?

    League of Kingdoms Arena (LOKA) can be purchased directly from Binance. League of Kingdoms Arena (LOKA) can also be traded for other cryptocurrencies. Live League of Kingdoms Arena price is updated in real-time on Binance. Additionally, LOKA price and purchase information is available for users to read on our How To Buy League of Kingdoms Arena (LOKA) guide.

LOKA v lokalno valuto

1 LOKA v USD$ 0.284094
1 LOKA v TRY$ 0.284094
1 LOKA v RUB$ 0.284094
1 LOKA v EUR$ 0.284094
1 LOKA v AED$ 0.284094
1 LOKA v AUD$ 0.284094
1 LOKA v BRL$ 0.284094
1 LOKA v VND$ 0.284094
1 LOKA v IDR$ 0.284094
Nazadnje posodobljeno 2024/12/11 12:35 (UTC).

Video razdelek

Cene kriptovalut so izpostavljene visokemu tržnemu tveganju in nestabilnosti cen. Vlagajte samo v produkte, ki jih poznate in za katere razumete povezana tveganja. Vsebina, izražena na tej strani, ni namenjena in se ne sme razumeti kot odobritev družbe Binance glede zanesljivosti ali točnosti takšne vsebine. Pazljivo pretehtajte svoje naložbene izkušnje, finančno stanje, naložbene cilje in toleranco tveganj ter se pred kakršno koli naložbo posvetujte z neodvisnim finančnim svetovalcem. To gradivo se ne sme razumeti kot finančni nasvet. Pretekla uspešnost ni zanesljiv kazalnik prihodnje uspešnosti. Vrednost vaše naložbe se lahko zniža in poveča. Morda vloženega zneska ne boste dobili nazaj. Za svoje naložbene odločitve ste odgovorni izključno sami. Družba Binance ne odgovarja za morebitne izgube. Za več informacij si oglejte naše pogoje uporabe in opozorila o tveganju. Upoštevajte tudi, da podatki v zvezi z zgoraj omenjeno kriptovaluto, predstavljeni tukaj (kot je njena trenutna cena v živo), temeljijo na virih tretjih oseb. Predstavljeni so vam na podlagi »kot so« in samo v informativne namene, brez zastopanja ali kakršnega koli jamstva. Povezave do spletnih mest tretjih oseb prav tako niso pod nadzorom družbe Binance. Družba Binance ne odgovarja za zanesljivost in točnost takšnih spletnih mest tretjih oseb in njihove vsebine.