Cena LayerZero (ZRO)

Cene kriptovalut so izpostavljene visokemu tržnemu tveganju in nestabilnosti cen. Vlagajte samo v produkte, ki jih poznate in za katere razumete povezana tveganja.
1 LayerZero je enako ₽ 469.90 RUB-2.05%1 dan
Stran nazadnje posodobljena: 2025-01-11 19:39 (UTC+0)
Kako se vam danes zdi LayerZero?
Opomba: Te informacije so samo za ponazoritev.

Današnja cena ZRO

V tem trenutku cena v živo LayerZero znaša ₽ 469.90 po tečaju (ZRO/RUB) s trenutno tržno kapitalizacijo ₽ 51.69B RUB. 24-urni obseg trgovanja je ₽ 5.57B RUB. Cena ZRO glede na RUB se posodablja sproti. LayerZero je -2.05% v zadnjih 24 urah s skupno ponudbo na trgu 110.00M.
ZRO zgodovina cen RUB
Primerjava datumovSprememba zneska% spremembe
Danes₽ -9.858983-2.05%
30 dni₽ -207.27-30.61%
60 dni₽ 91.35+24.13%
90 dni₽ 72.35+18.20%

Podrobnosti o trgu ZRO

Najnižja in najvišja vrednost v zadnjih 24 urah
Najnižja: ₽ 467.50
Najvišja: ₽ 481.84
Najvišja in najnižja cena, plačana za to sredstvo v zadnjih 24 urah.
Rekordno visoka vrednost
₽ 769.59
Najvišja cena, plačana za to sredstvo, odkar je bilo izdano ali uvrščeno na seznam.
Sprememba cene (1 ura)
Sprememba cene v odstotkih za to sredstvo v primerjavi s stanjem pred 1 uro.
Sprememba cene (24 ur)
Sprememba cene v odstotkih za to sredstvo v primerjavi s stanjem pred 24 urami.
Sprememba cene (7 dni)
Sprememba cene v odstotkih za to sredstvo v primerjavi s stanjem pred 7 dnevi.

Podrobnosti o trgu ZRO

Priljubljenost temelji na relativni tržni kapitalizaciji sredstev.
Tržna kapitalizacija
₽ 51.69B
Tržna kapitalizacija se izračuna tako, da se skupna ponudba sredstva na trgu pomnoži z njegovo trenutno ceno.
Obseg (24 ur)
₽ 5.57B
Skupna vrednost v dolarjih vseh transakcij za to sredstvo v zadnjih 24 urah.
Razpoložljivi obtok
Število kovancev, ki krožijo na trgu in so na voljo javnosti za trgovanje, podobno kot delnice, s katerimi se javno trguje na borzi.
Skupna končna količina
Skupno število kovancev, ki bodo kadar koli ustvarjeni za določeno kriptovaluto, podobno kot pri popolnoma razredčenih delnicah na borzi. Če teh podatkov ne zagotovi ali preveri CoinMarketCap, je končna količina prikazana kot '--'.
Popolnoma razredčena tržna kapitalizacija
₽ 469.90B
Skupno število kovancev, ki bodo kadar koli ustvarjeni za določeno kriptovaluto, podobno kot pri popolnoma razredčenih delnicah na borzi. Če teh podatkov ne zagotovi ali preveri CoinMarketCap, je končna količina prikazana kot '--'.
Datum izdaje

Kaj lahko počnete z LayerZero (ZRO)?

Raziščite, kako uporabljati kriptovalute s platformo Binance.

About LayerZero (ZRO)

LayerZero is an inter-chain communication protocol and it serves as a foundational layer for cross-chain applications. It provides a basic platform for creating apps that work on different blockchains. This lets developers build dApps that can communicate with various blockchain systems. Importantly, these interactions occur without the need for trusted intermediaries or intermediary tokens.

Unlike many interoperability solutions that rely on a central authority or monolithic bridges, LayerZero offers a modular and decentralized approach. LayerZero simplifies and secures cross-blockchain transactions using the combination of Ultra Light Nodes (ULNs), relayers, and oracles.

ULNs are efficient as they rely on external entities for heavy computations, which helps avoid the need to process large amounts of data. Relayers transmit proofs of transactions between blockchains. When a transaction occurs, a relayer creates a proof and sends it to the target blockchain. Multiple relayers ensure decentralization and security, though they can't finalize transactions alone. Therefore oracles provide the data needed to verify cross-chain transactions, ensuring accuracy by matching their data with the relayer's proof. Additionally, LayerZero supports generic messaging, facilitating various cross-chain communications beyond simple asset transfers. This enables interactions like governance votes, data exchanges, and NFT transfers.

LayerZero has attracted investments from notable entities such as Coinbase Ventures, Multicoin Capital, and Sino Global Capital. The protocol's roadmap includes developing more advanced features in its V2 iteration, such as improved message handling and higher message throughput. These enhancements will likely boost LayerZero's efficiency and usability across diverse blockchain environments. Currently, LayerZero supports Ethereum, BNB Chain, Avalanche, Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism, Fantom, and non-EVM chains like Aptos and Solana.

The ZRO token serves as a utility token within the LayerZero ecosystem, primarily used for governance and incentivizing participation in cross-chain communication activities​. ZRO price is updated and available in real time on Binance.

People Also Ask: Other Questions About LayerZero

  1. What is ZRO Used For?

    LayerZero (ZRO) serves as the utility token for facilitating cross-chain transactions and communication within the LayerZero network. The primary function of ZRO is to enable seamless, trustless, and direct transactions between different blockchain ecosystems without the need for intermediary tokens or chains.

  2. How Do Network Consensus and Validation Work On LayerZero (ZRO)?

    LayerZero uses decentralized verifier networks (DVNs) to collectively verify the authenticity of cross-chain messages. These DVNs work like independent auditors, confirming the cryptographic proofs within the message packets. The system separates trust assumptions, ensuring that security breaches in one network do not affect others​.

    The consensus and validation mechanism on LayerZero involves two independent off-chain entities: the Oracle and the Relayer. The Oracle provides block headers from the source chain, while the Relayer provides transaction proofs. For a transaction to be validated, these two entities must corroborate the transaction independently. This dual-entity system ensures that the transaction is valid and committed on the source chain before it is executed on the destination chain.

  3. Who Is The Founder Of LayerZero (ZRO)?

    Founded in 2021 by Bryan Pellegrino, Ryan Zarick, and Caleb Banister, LayerZero Labs has quickly gained traction in the crypto space. The project has raised significant funding from top-tier investors, including a16z, Sequoia Capital, and Binance Labs.

  4. What is the Maximum and Circulating Token Supply of LayerZero (ZRO)?

    The maximum supply of LayerZero's token, ZRO, is set to 1 billion ZRO. At the time of writing, 250 million ZRO tokens are in circulation.

  5. What Makes LayerZero (ZRO) Different From Others?

    LayerZero (ZRO) aims to differentiate itself through its approach to cross-chain communication by eliminating the need for intermediary tokens or chains. Unlike other protocols that use intermediate tokens, LayerZero facilitates direct transactions between native assets on different chains. This reduces complexity, overhead, and potential points of failure. Furthermore, LayerZero's protocol ensures trustless valid delivery through the independent operation of the Oracle and Relayer, which guarantees transaction integrity without relying on centralized entities or additional consensus layers.

  6. How To Buy ZRO?

    LayerZero (ZRO) can be purchased directly from Binance using a debit or credit card. It can also be traded for other cryptocurrencies on the Binance exchange. Live ZRO price is updated in real time on Binance. For additional instructions and information, users can read our How to Buy LayerZero (ZRO) Guide.

  7. How Much Will LayerZero (ZRO) Be Worth in the Future?

    Check out our ZRO Price Prediction page — when deciding on your own price targets. Data displayed are based on user input and not Binance's opinion.

Video razdelek

Cene kriptovalut so izpostavljene visokemu tržnemu tveganju in nestabilnosti cen. Vlagajte samo v produkte, ki jih poznate in za katere razumete povezana tveganja. Vsebina, izražena na tej strani, ni namenjena in se ne sme razumeti kot odobritev družbe Binance glede zanesljivosti ali točnosti takšne vsebine. Pazljivo pretehtajte svoje naložbene izkušnje, finančno stanje, naložbene cilje in toleranco tveganj ter se pred kakršno koli naložbo posvetujte z neodvisnim finančnim svetovalcem. To gradivo se ne sme razumeti kot finančni nasvet. Pretekla uspešnost ni zanesljiv kazalnik prihodnje uspešnosti. Vrednost vaše naložbe se lahko zniža in poveča. Morda vloženega zneska ne boste dobili nazaj. Za svoje naložbene odločitve ste odgovorni izključno sami. Družba Binance ne odgovarja za morebitne izgube. Za več informacij si oglejte naše pogoje uporabe in opozorila o tveganju. Upoštevajte tudi, da podatki v zvezi z zgoraj omenjeno kriptovaluto, predstavljeni tukaj (kot je njena trenutna cena v živo), temeljijo na virih tretjih oseb. Predstavljeni so vam na podlagi »kot so« in samo v informativne namene, brez zastopanja ali kakršnega koli jamstva. Povezave do spletnih mest tretjih oseb prav tako niso pod nadzorom družbe Binance. Družba Binance ne odgovarja za zanesljivost in točnost takšnih spletnih mest tretjih oseb in njihove vsebine.